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Sophie's new behavior


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All of a sudden... Sophie insists on being with me every morning, during the time I blow dry my hair. She now flies upstairs during this time! I blowdry her, even though her feathers are dry. She LOVES it! ( still not interested in the shower though!) She also is coming upstairs, if I am not up before 7 am. As I am waking up to Sophie on my pillow, telling me " morning". I needed to remove my airconditioner, if she was going to continue to do this! I removed it, but hurt my back! I didn't go to work today, Sophie knew I was hurt and insisted on being with me Nancy

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You actually trust her to be out on her own for her to come and get you up? I wish I could trust GreycieMae. Our ceiling fan would be wood chipped, any glass would be smashed all over the floor, chair backs would be chewed, curio cabinet - history. I would love a morning wakeup from my Grey baby. If there wasn't such resistance from my wife, my Grey would have her sleep cage right next to my bed.

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Sorry Sterling, the description of the havoc that would be done if GreycieMae had the midnight run of the house made me smile. Thanks for starting my day with a smile. Nancy, it's amazing how empathetic they are isn't it? I had a 'go to the hospital' migraine last week, and Dorian was so quiet and still the whole next day. He knows when momma's on the couch during the day he should be quiet. How? I never had to tell him. He just does it. Do be careful about the Teflon though. I guess you could just use the dryer on a cool setting.

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Nancy, it is really great to hear about Sophie growing and changing and bonding differently as she gets older. Greys are always evolving. I continually see changes in Gracie--all good changes. It is so much like living with a maturing child. She loves you so much and you are a good mama to her. Sorry about your back though. Hope you are on the mend.

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Thanks all! I can close birdroom to kitchen and family room, leave birdroom opened to upstairs. All bedrooms and bathroom closed, except my room. Ollie sleeps with me, he comes and goes to " patrol". With Sophie's new habit, had to get rid of airconditioner, so there was no chance she could escape. Now I am worried about the blowdrying! I have always blowdryed my birds... Kiki all the time... Sophie after a shower she didn't appreciate! Are there blowdryers that are better for birds?

Sterling SL... LOL! Yes... I can trust Sophie to not destroy the whole house. She chews on three windowsills. Not really that bad, and just got an estimate to fix them. The rest of our furniture is safe. I'm with your wife on this one! A romantic downer, to have the bird in your room.

Sophie didn't even know our upstairs existed until this summer. She wanted to be with Sean so much, she spent several hours climbing upstairs. Once she got there... she knocked on his door and he let her in. He didn't help her at all, much to my frustration! I tend to help Sophie much sooner. Sean felt she needed to learn and figure it out! Well I guess he was right, because she learned to fly after several" walking the stairs." I couldn't do it... but she learned to fly upstairs, and now I am trying to figure out what to do with her at dawn. Nancy

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You actually trust her to be out on her own for her to come and get you up? I wish I could trust GreycieMae. Our ceiling fan would be wood chipped, any glass would be smashed all over the floor, chair backs would be chewed, curio cabinet - history. I would love a morning wakeup from my Grey baby. If there wasn't such resistance from my wife, my Grey would have her sleep cage right next to my bed.


Megan has that, but also a play stand and that is where she sleeps. Going to have to try to get a picture of her all hunkered down in 'her spot'. She's pretty good, she goes and wakes daddy up. Once he tried to go back to sleep and she decided to dig a nice hole in the carpet. He knows better now. When Megan says it's time to get up, it's time to get up!

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Muse... Poor daddy! He should get a few more minutes of sleep... Now that my airconditioner is gone, and I feel she is safe, I will go back to sleep with no problem. Sophie gives her introduction, but if I want to sleep more, she will just settle on my shoulder, put her beak under my eye( her favorite nap position), and be quiet until I want to get up. Sometimes she will talk too much... I just say shhhh! She does. Once she REALLY is restless and bored, she plays one of her favorite games. Pull on Ollie's tail and run and hide! She laughs sooo hard,,, noone is getting any more sleep! Nancy

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I've learned!So over the past several days, I let Sophie know I couldn't blowdry her anymore, as it wasn't safe for her! She understood there was a problem... I know she didn't follow much of what I said, except the " safe" word. I closed the bathroom door, blewdry my hair, and she waited patiently outside. As soon as I opened it... she flew to my shoulder saying " morning!" Now how do I tell her I am not done, now have to do hair spritz, which I KNOW i can't do with her on me. She has already been patient! She is sooooo cramping my normal routine! Life was sooo much easier, when she didn't know upstairs was a great place to be!

This morning... she came to me again at 7am. I REALLY wanted to sleep until 8am, and she was willing to let me. She teased me for 15 minutes, saying every saying and phrase she knows. I had a smile on my face listening to her. Ollie chose NOT to sleep with me last night, as he occasionally chooses. She couldn't be quiet any longer! "Where is Ollie?" I told her I don't know! Maybe you should go and look for him? LOL! Nancy

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