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I find it funny that Pearl rarely lets my husband give her head scratches, yet... She's recently started talking and has HIS deep voice! I think it's hilarious and my husband loves it. Everything he says, she wants to say too. They even stretch and yawn together. Adorable! Just thought I would share!

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It is interesting that many observe that when a grey talks it is often in the voice of the "less favored" person. I also had to laugh at the observation of her yawning and stretching in imitation of your husband. I recently noticed my CAG Gracie lifting her wings and making a sort of "morning groan." I realized that I lift my elbows up and make that same sound. She not only imitates the sound. but the action too. It is priceless.

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When HRH first came to live with us, she talked in sort of a lower pitched gruff voice -- like an old. smoker lounge singer voice. Now she talks in her own voice. It's neither mine nor Joe's. She has a very sweet little voice and when she talks to me while upon my shoulder she whispers very softly. She at times however, does this "Exorcist" type mumble voice that we think must be how the TV sounds to her from the other room through the wall.


My Lestat (CAG) used to imitate The Count from Sesame Street, and would talk in a mid-range voice, then began imitating my voice to a T.

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Toulouse will let me handle him but is only cordial to my wife and son when he is in his cage. He will only pick up words/sentences from my wife and son. Good thing he makes some attempt to endear (as his bites are nasty) or there might have been a murrrder in the night.


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