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9-18-2014 - Dayo Morning Chat


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Just realized when I had a break from a very busy schedule over the last 5 months that I had not posted one of these morning chat videos for a long time. I have been very busy due to my wife's health, just had a hip replaced 8 weeks ago and been going to therapy 2x a week. She will be having the other hip replaced Oct 8th... So I will remain very busy between her and working from home ( software engineering and blessed to be able to work from home the last 3 years). Any way, I hope all the new comers enjoy this and also all those of you whom we have been privileged to know and love over these last 7 years on the Forum. You have watched Dayo grow from a 6 week old baby to know 7 years old. As I have yours as well. Leaving in a few to take wife to therapy. Oh and I believe he is thinking Pizza for Breakfast ... NOT!!! Enjoy! :)


Edited by danmcq
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Just realized when I had a break from a very busy schedule over the last 5 months that I had not posted one of these morning chat videos for a long time. I have been very busy due to my wife's health, just had a hip replaced 8 weeks ago and been going to therapy 2x a week. She will be having the other hip replaced Oct 8th... So I will remain very busy between her and working from home ( software engineering and blessed to be able to work from home the last 3 years). Any way, I hope all the new comers enjoy this and also all those of you whom we have been privileged to know and love over these last 7 years on the Forum. You have watched Dayo grow from a 6 week old baby to know 7 years old. As I have yours as well. Leaving in a few to take wife to therapy. Oh and I believe he is thinking Pizza for Breakfast ... NOT!!! Enjoy! :)




I know what you mean about hip replacement. My mother in law had both done and at the time she was 75 yrs old.

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You've been missed Dan. You have your hands full there. Glad your work schedule allowed for you to support Kim. All your work still gets done. When you work from home, your hours just get longer. :-) I enjoyed Dayo's chat. I thought I heard him say William a couple of times. That's a new one isn't it? He sure is a happy guy. Thanks for the update.

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Nice to see Dayo again! I have a question for you. Does Dayo make many "parrotese" sounds? Recently I have been reading posts about our greys' vocalizations, and it seems most have greys who speak English but also vocalize in natural grey parrotese. My CAG Gracie never vocalizes in anything natural for a bird. Everything--I mean 100% of the time--she speaks English or makes household noises. When I see videos of Dayo--he seems to be similar--no birdie sounds. Is this common? Can it be related to both Dayo and Gracie being in one grey homes? I was just curious. I would hate to think Gracie forgot her natural bird language. But then again, she doesn't have anyone to talk to but me, and I don't speak parrotese.

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wheeoh weehoh wheeoh 911 ! Dayo apparently thinks it's an emergency when you leave him. (at about 1:56 - 2:00) :D What a treat to see Dayo this morning! You both have been missed. Sending good thoughts to your and your wife for a smooth recovery with her hip surgeries.

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You've been missed Dan. You have your hands full there. Glad your work schedule allowed for you to support Kim. All your work still gets done. When you work from home, your hours just get longer. :-) I enjoyed Dayo's chat. I thought I heard him say William a couple of times. That's a new one isn't it? He sure is a happy guy. Thanks for the update.


Hi Dee - Your right, it's almost 24/7 work. :) William is a new name he picked up due to him watching our neighbor across the street come, go and stop and talk to me when I am out there. Dayo finally asked "Who's that?". So of course my reply was William. Dayo is always interested in having the name of anyone whom comes to our home or he see's us conversing with. I can only attribute that to the fact that every Grey in a flock has a unique name they are called by. Names are very important to him. He picks up most new words in one day that he finds valuable.


A note of interest that almost floored me yesterday, was my wife always needs help to get up from our sofa. I was in the back doing something and Kim got up on her own! That is a first time in months she was able to do that. Dayo watched her do it and said "WOW, good job!!!". We tell him that all the time when he accomplishes something. Evidently he thought her getting up on her own was a significant accomplishment. :)

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Nice to see Dayo again! I have a question for you. Does Dayo make many "parrotese" sounds? Recently I have been reading posts about our greys' vocalizations, and it seems most have greys who speak English but also vocalize in natural grey parrotese. My CAG Gracie never vocalizes in anything natural for a bird. Everything--I mean 100% of the time--she speaks English or makes household noises. When I see videos of Dayo--he seems to be similar--no birdie sounds. Is this common? Can it be related to both Dayo and Gracie being in one grey homes? I was just curious. I would hate to think Gracie forgot her natural bird language. But then again, she doesn't have anyone to talk to but me, and I don't speak parrotese.


Yes, Dayo does indeed make Parrotese sounds. Perhaps you just need to employ a much more acute awareness of what you may be missing when he makes a short sound your just used to or out of the normal. Dayo makes some sounds, so low in volume that he must be on one of our shoulders to be heard. They are very endearing muffled huff's, a deep throat groan like sound, a short puff of air whisking through his throat etc. Louder sounds are a very sorrowful/disappointed sound he makes when a response like "just a minute", " I have to take Mommy to the Doctor", "You cannot get out yet" etc. he receives to a request or wants to know where we are going or what we are doing. he makes a very loud "Dink" sound when he receives an answer he simply will not accept or our response is completely wrong in respect what he was asking. None of the sounds I have described are anything we have ever made, from some type of noise that occurs in our home or one that he has heard on TV for example. They are truly his own.


Now what they speak/sound like in the wild, I have no clue except from what we can glean from wild footage and listening to them. They no doubt all have that instinctual Growl from birth, but other than that I just do not know what other sounds may indeed be instinctual, maybe the huffing they all do when excited for some loving. :) It is still a dream of ours to go to the Cameroon area and just observe them for an extended period of time and record as much as possible.

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