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Introducing Michael Alan

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Greetings Everybody! :)


I am introducing myself.

I am Michael Alan.

I have an African Grey parrot. His name is Woody Alan and he is 15 years old. I have had him since he was a baby.

I joined because I am hoping there are others who will share their knowledge of keeping and caring for an African Grey parrot.


Thanks for letting me in!

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Greetings Everybody! :)


I am introducing myself.

I am Michael Alan.

I have an African Grey parrot. His name is Woody Alan and he is 15 years old. I have had him since he was a baby.

I joined because I am hoping there are others who will share their knowledge of keeping and caring for an African Grey parrot.


Thanks for letting me in!


Hi and welcome. 15 yrs with a grey is a success that many haven't reached yet. We have loads and loads of info here in so many sections. We have many individual rooms. Feel free to ask and also share your experiences. Also, pics are welcome. By the way---CAG or TAG?

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Hi and welcome. 15 yrs with a grey is a success that many haven't reached yet. We have loads and loads of info here in so many sections. We have many individual rooms. Feel free to ask and also share your experiences. Also, pics are welcome. By the way---CAG or TAG?




Woody Alan is a CAG and he is a "DNA tested" male. He knows quite a bit of words and phrases and can sing a few songs.


Even though, I have had Woody for 15 years, I am still learning new things about caring for him all the time.

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Woody Alan is a CAG and he is a "DNA tested" male. He knows quite a bit of words and phrases and can sing a few songs.


Even though, I have had Woody for 15 years, I am still learning new things about caring for him all the time.


I have a 15 yr old CAG, 7 yr old CAG and a 17 yr old TAG. 2 were adopted. They all talk. One mimics human words and speaks parrotese. The other 2 only talk in parrotese but all of them know what they're saying to each other when using parrotese. Even I understand them.

Mine are all males.

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Hi Michael Alan and Woody Alan. I have a male CAG, Sterling Gris, 3; and a female TAG, Ana Grey, 6. Both I have had since weaning. Ana Grey use to talk a lot but since Sterling Gris is such a big talker and singer, she has more or less shut down. Looking forward to learning more about Woody Alan. Welcome to the Grey family.

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Welcome Michael and Woody! I currenently am bossed around by a very funny and talkative three year old TAG, Inara aka HerRoyalHighness or HRH for short. She is my 2nd Grey. My first, CAG named Lestat is long deceased. Inara is my 2nd half of life bird and since she is so much smaller than was my CAG, I call her my sports model.


Can't wait to hear more about Woody and to see photos and or vids. Glad you found us!

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Welcome to both Mr Allens! I have a 3 yr old CAG female. I am so glad you have joined us. I look forward to hearing more about you and your grey. African Greys are so fantastic to share life with, and it is a wonderful resource to be part of this forum to share the joys, and sometimes heartaches, with people who care and understand.

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I am new in this forum and wanted to know more about beautiful locations of the world. I hope this forum will provide me a good plate form to increase my information about the amazing places.The members of this community are looking very supportive.

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Murfchck , first of all I would like to appreciate you at this warm welcome for newcomers and of course I will post the pictures of my parrot as soon as possible. I think it is a great idea to such kind of forums to talk about birds and all relative issues. I hope through this forum I will able to get many tips for keeping birds at home.

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