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Heeerrrres Albert!


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Thank you! I just love him to pieces! Everyone is right, they are nothing like greys. Their love and willingness to understand us and show off for us is unreal. Yours will get there too! There is another name in the mix now, Gonzo. Not sure where that name came from, his buddy was Frazier and I have heard him say that name but the other night he was on my shoulder telling me he loves me then just said, "I love you Gonzo" I told him I love him too and he said " I love you Gon" Then just said Gonzo a few more times. My hope is that is the name he has picked for me ( my others call me "Ptthh" so Gonzo will be so much better.) I have also begun to understand that he is Chacho when he is being good and fun, but when I need him to do something like step up, he is Albert. He listens when I say Albert, when I call him Chacho, he laughs at me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So not sure what happened yesterday. All the birds were out, Chacho now resides in the living room so he is in the same room when they are out but can't come out until the birds are back in their cages and Pat is in the other room. I got off work early and didn't do my normal trip to play with the baby birds so I got to come home and clean for Thanksgiving. Well I brought the birds and then rethought the cleaning thing. Why clean on Monday to have the house ready for Thursday when there are 10 birds living with me and it would be dirty again within an hour! I started just doing the basics, changing the everyday plates to the Christmas dishes and dusting and scraping food off the blinds and walls and windowsills, etc. lol. Bongo was on my shoulder and I stepped back to do a bird check so I would know where everyone was and something just didn't look right but I ignored that feeling and went back to working, then it hit me. Chacho was on top of his cage and not in it. (he isn't a friend to greys so they have to be kept apart) I set Bongo on his stand and went to Chacho and luckily he stepped right up, no issue. I put him back in his cage and thought I had checked all the doors, still not sure if I missed one or if he can now open them himself, but about 5 minutes later I heard Cotay take flight and so I looked and there was Chacho on her stand and no sign of Cotay. I started to look for her but then thought better and decided to take care of Chacho first and get him back in his cage. As luck would have it, I saw Cotay struggling to get into a better position as she was hanging from a slot machine in between some plants so I went and picked her up and took her to the stand in the kitchen, then went back to Chacho who was laughing and running away from me. Just as he was about to step up, I hear the door open and yell for Pat to stop, I tell him Chacho is out so he turns right around and goes back outside. Now Chacho is excited so stepping up is going to be a challenge, I managed to lure him with his beloved cracker, get him back in his cage and quick link the doors this time. Pat is now allowed back inside, lol. After all the birds were in their cages, I get Chacho out and we play. He grooms me and throws up for me and all is right with the world again. I just wish he would let Pat near him, he is such a great bird and Pat has more time to play with them then I do so he would really thrive if only he liked Pat a little bit. I really thought having him in the living room with us, he would see Pat isn't a bad guy and would accept him, but instead it seems to have triggered him into trying to attack him whenever he walks by the cage.

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Yesterday was a day of firsts here with Chacho. Pat was able to touch his belly and give him three quick rubs. And he took a bath, like nothing I have ever seen before. I laughed so hard, his technique was something I have not seen before. I was misting him, aiming over him so it would come down like rain. He ran to the top of the cage so his belly was getting soaked then came to the side, spread out his wings and leaned back as far as he could, wrapped his wings around his head and rubbed his head back and forth on his belly. He would come back wanting sprayed more and kept repeating this. I have a bottle I put the aloe in and he just about used the whole bottle. He was really a wet noodle. I have not laughed this hard in a very long time, even Pat had to watch this and he was laughing at it. Boy, there is zero doubt he loved his bath. I have misted him before but never gotten that reaction, I guess he thought he wasn't dirty enough yet.

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Yesterday was a day of firsts here with Chacho. Pat was able to touch his belly and give him three quick rubs. And he took a bath, like nothing I have ever seen before. I laughed so hard, his technique was something I have not seen before. I was misting him, aiming over him so it would come down like rain. He ran to the top of the cage so his belly was getting soaked then came to the side, spread out his wings and leaned back as far as he could, wrapped his wings around his head and rubbed his head back and forth on his belly. He would come back wanting sprayed more and kept repeating this. I have a bottle I put the aloe in and he just about used the whole bottle. He was really a wet noodle. I have not laughed this hard in a very long time, even Pat had to watch this and he was laughing at it. Boy, there is zero doubt he loved his bath. I have misted him before but never gotten that reaction, I guess he thought he wasn't dirty enough yet.


Did it look anything like this:

? That's what Rasa does when he gets a shower.
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I LOVED the video! If you did that to Sophie.... she would have FREAKED! " I'm melting, I'm melting!" Spray or shower are NOT appreciated, and we just have to do it! I swear she holds her breath knowing its coming! ( she does get warned).

Sophie HATES water. We have tried everything. When its time to get clean, she knows we have to do it. I completely empathize with her, and she knows I do Nancy

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ah-ha! Progress is being made. I let Chacho out yesterday after all the birds had gone back to their cages. He did great. He played around the top and climbed down the sides and back to the top and then Pat had to walk by the cage to get to the other room. Chacho flew of course, but this time he didn't fly at Pat but around him to come into the kitchen! I was cooking so I had to put him back into his cage after that but he didn't attack Pat! I am a little worried I am making a bad decision but tomorrow is moving day for him and the greys. We have been talking about doing this for a while now, but it wasn't fair to Chach that all the birds got to come out into the living room but he had to stay in his cage for safety resaons and to break the straw our decision was made last Saturday when Cotay flew onto his cage and he went after her toes. So we are bringing the greys out to the living room. Ixta and Cotay can use their cage as a stand, Bongo and Gabby will be in the dining room area. Chacho will move in with the macaws since he was brought up with them anyway, they don't make him nervous. Our reasoning is this: when we bring the macaws out to their stand, we can just open Chachos cage and he can have the whole room to fly and play instead of only getting a short time out after they have all gone up for the night. Makes sense in my mind, fingers crossed it will in reality also! We set up the two cages in the kitchen area for Gabs and Bong to get use to, Ixta and Cotay will keep their cages they are in now so that should go smoothly.

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So far the new move has been great! Chacho gets to come out and fly everyday now and I get to go in there and spend time with him since Pat doesn't have to hide in another room! The greys, especially Bongo, have become even more vocal. I am hearing them say things we have not heard before. If only Cotay who stop asking us every time we open the back if we have to go peepee, lol. Bongo was whistling and chirping and screaming (he has a little girls movie scream he does that he picked up from Bubba) to where I had to turn the volume up on the tv to hear the news. Ixta says so much it is hard to keep up with. There are two blue and golds where she came from that are twins, Sunny and Honey and you really have to look at the leg bands to know who is who, one band is blue and one is silver. When you see these two you automatically ask them which is Sunny and which is Honey, well Ixta says that, "Are you Sunny or Honey?" She tells all the birds hello by name ( the birds where she came from not ours yet) BUT, at last, finally, the Christmas miracle, She told me hello and said my name!!!!! Not hello Pthhh, like the others but hello Lisa!!!!!!! Only once though, I am sure the others corrected her as soon as she said it but I will take it!

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Oh my Gosh, Ixta learns things too quick when it is something we would rather her not learn. She has the Too cry down and now she is practicing the macaw frustrated squawk. She is such a smarty pants.

Chacho is just adorable. He comes to me with a hearty laugh, gets right up to me and tells me he loves Chacho. I just love that boy! He helped, term used loosely, me change his cage papers the other evening. Probably the last time I will attempt this with him in the cage still. The door was open for him to come out, but he wanted to stay in and see what I was doing. He climbed down the side and told me he loved himself, went to the bottom and took the new papers I put in and started tearing them up and tossing them out. Such a big help he is!

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