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Yes he is. Sometimes he also does a turkey clucking plus a number of other electronic devices that i'm not familiar with lol... He cracks me up sometimes... I thought it was hilarious where I told him he wasn't a chicken and he was like "Huh", as if to say "i'm not"? like he was shocked to find this out... Thank you...

Hahaha! What a cutie, and he does a great chicken impersonation!
Edited by Bigwick70
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If anyone knows of an unwanted or abandoned African Gray that is for sale PLEASE contact me 304 664 9752... My Aunt Sharon recently saw a 2 month old Grey that her mother-n-law bought in Ocala FL, and she was interested in getting one. She is like me in her love for critters and would take great care for him/her and I told her it would be best to try to rescue an animal first.

I had no idea that there were so many birds being neglected and abandoned till recently when I saw a video on this

Please let us know if you do. I will put you in touch with her

Thank you...

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Sadly, it shouldn't be too hard to find an unwanted bird, keep checking Craig's list and. Kijiji, maybe let it be known at local vets and animal shelters that you're looking. They often know if someone is in a situation where their birds are being surrendered. Thank you for looking for a rescue first. Although I'm sometimes sad I wasn't part of Dorians first three years, and that I missed all the cute cuddly baby stuff, I wouldn't change our journey together for anything.

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Bigwick70... LOVED the video of chicken quacking! As far as them answering in " what"? That is one of Sophie's favorite words answering in human form. She immitates kids to perfection to the point, when I yelled " dinner", kids said individually " coming"! They never came. I got so mad!This was a pattern, and I really got annoyed. I confronted them both one day. I had a sit down... explained I work a ton of hours, and work hard to have dinner on the table. I am disappointed that you guys can't respect me to NOT show up on time for dinner when I call you! They both had no idea what I was talking about! I realized immediately that Sophie was the one responding to coming for dinner. ( I have less than 20% hearing in my right ear now, so I can't tell where sound comes from).DAMN my smart girl! ( Sophie always showed up for dinner on time!) Sophie eats with us. Nancy

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Thanks :cool:... He try's his best to do the Theme to The Andy Griffith Show, but he get it mixed up lol. Sometimes he's pretty good at it though and gets close. As you can see he loves his bells too and you're sure to get the Beak if you touch them...[video=youtube;pYqx-xx_EWo]

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awww stick with it! Sophie's favorite song " take me out to the ball game", she messes up all the time! She will tell herself " No, No, No"... start over. Eventually, she thinks she has done a GREAT job, ( she really sucked), then she will add " play ball!" That is her sign, " I did GREAT!" Of course I praise her and clap and tell her how proud I am. I think its so funny, how they figure they did a great job, which really sounded like the last attempt! Nancy

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"ROFLMBO" They crack me up!

awww stick with it! Sophie's favorite song " take me out to the ball game", she messes up all the time! She will tell herself " No, No, No"... start over. Eventually, she thinks she has done a GREAT job, ( she really sucked), then she will add " play ball!" That is her sign, " I did GREAT!" Of course I praise her and clap and tell her how proud I am. I think its so funny, how they figure they did a great job, which really sounded like the last attempt! Nancy
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OMG, I got to tell this one. I'm sure you all know by now how much Wilbur loves our son Jeremiah. I just heard Jeremiah yelling to Wilbur saying "Get off dude! Quit that!" So being the good father I am I went to find Wilbur taking a bath slinging water all over my son who was sleeping on the couch, ROFLMAO. Wilbur is sitting there making his "What, or more like Waa" noise that he does and looking like "What did I do"... I think he does these things to amuse himself I swear. TOO FUNNY";)

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