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oven cleaning


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Here's one Nancy:


Dawn is known to "cut the grease". I've unfortunately seen the effects of a few oil spills in my day and we've all seen pictures of those sweet innocent animals covered in black goo. They bathe them in Dawn to get through all that oil. So, if it works for them, it can work here! And it did! The problem was that I didn't do the rest of the oven. So the next day, I came up with this method of cleaning the oven.

Here's what you'll need:


1 and 1/2 cups of baking soda

1/4 cup of Dawn Dish soap


Spray bottle of water



Mix the baking soda and Dawn dish soap. Add just enough water to make a liquid paste, kind of like blue icing.


I used a sponge paint brush to get my mixture all over the inside of my oven. It was easy to "paint" it on instead of using a spoon.


Here it is; all covered in my home made oven cleaner. Now the easy part. Let it sit there for hours, over night if you want. A self-cleaning oven has a cycle of about 5 hours, so there's really no difference except this won't hurt you. The secret here is to spray it with water every few hours. Baking soda has a tendency to "cake" so you want to get the soda back to a liquid-like form. I sprayed mine twice then went to bed, woke up, sprayed with water again, then let it sit another hour. I used the scrubby side of a sponge to scrub the oven. It gets really foamy, so you'll have to clean your sponge a few times.


Those gross food spots all over the oven, literally scrub off pretty easily. It won't be perfect or look brand new, but I liked my results. Once you've cleaned an area to your satisfaction, wipe off the cleaning solution with a dry towel. It will be easier than adding water and trying to wipe it off with your sponge. It just gets to soapy in there.


Once my oven was cleaned, I turned it on to 350 degrees (F) for about ten minutes. This was to make sure I got all the solution out. It will cake up if you have extra and you can just wipe that off once it cools down.

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