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Hi all! My name is Diana and I live in Orange County, CA with my 21 yo CAG Goofy. I have had her since she was an egg and hand fed her myself from 7 days old on.


I am currently considering surgery for her because she has a soft mass in her abdomen. She is eating, drinking, defecating as usual and my vet advised this is the most aggressive course but I worry because on her xrays her organs are all squished and there is no clear egg that the vet could see. I trust our vet but would like to hear more about other's experiences so I can be prepared for post op care etc.

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If you are uncomfortable with this decision you can always ask for another opinion. If her organs are being crowded she will become uncomfortable and most likely stress her body's abilities to function normally. If this were my birdy buddy I would want to know what the issue is and a biopsy or removal of the mass would give you some answers. This is your decision and it is never easy to have deal with health issues in any family member furred feathered or humans. What ever you decide most of us will support your decision.

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I think we are leaning more towards surgery since I have been doing all of the tricks I know for egg bound birds (warm baths instead of her normal love of cool ones, steaming, olive oil and more greens than usual). I am mostly looking for stories of surgery because this will be my first avian surgery (other than splinting chicken legs when I was younger). I just want to be prepared and give her the best post op care possible.

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When our young grey had surgery for a distended crop we had to give him oral antibiotics and take him back for tests and more antibiotics. His case was much different than yours. Our vet had suggestions for post op care and it wasn't as difficult as it was intimidating until we tried successfully to manage it for ourselves. Depending on how far it is from your home to your vet, it will make a difference how you handle things. We were only an hour or so from the vet so I was able to spend all day there in a quarantine room with him and to bring his favorite foods from home to help during those stressful times. My heart is with you as you make difficult decisions for Goofy. You have much experience with her, hand feeding and trust. Good luck and many blessings for you both.

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