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Ineffective preening


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I have two sweet greys, one is a plucker (rescued), one is not. One of the issues we've had is the plucker doesn't know how to preen herself and what preening she is doing is too aggressive. I thought after a few years here she was getting better at preening those feathers she has left, but it hit me hard today that she's really not. She is mostly feathered in her back and wings, but not chest. I took them into the shower with me today and the unplucked grey, after standing under the shower, is hardly wet. It just roooooolllls off of her. The plucker is saturated, completely. Now, I understand the plucked area, but was surprised her tail and wings and back were so wet. Is it once in, it goes everywhere? Or is it she just doesn't do what is needed and can I help her learn? I'd love to put the two closer together, but they hate each other ;)

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I have two sweet greys, one is a plucker (rescued), one is not. One of the issues we've had is the plucker doesn't know how to preen herself and what preening she is doing is too aggressive. I thought after a few years here she was getting better at preening those feathers she has left, but it hit me hard today that she's really not. She is mostly feathered in her back and wings, but not chest. I took them into the shower with me today and the unplucked grey, after standing under the shower, is hardly wet. It just roooooolllls off of her. The plucker is saturated, completely. Now, I understand the plucked area, but was surprised her tail and wings and back were so wet. Is it once in, it goes everywhere? Or is it she just doesn't do what is needed and can I help her learn? I'd love to put the two closer together, but they hate each other ;)



First of all, there's 2 kinds of pluckers ( chronic and acute.)so I think you should read this in order to get an idea about chronic pluckers because I feel that your bird comes in this category.



*******Is it once in, it goes everywhere? Or is it she just doesn't do what is needed and can I help her learn? I'd love to put the two closer together,*****

putting the 2 birds together won't make any difference as far as plucking. It doesn't matter whether the birds love or hate each other. Birds don't copy each other like people do. The plucker will remain a plucker and the other will remain as an non-plucker.

Worrying about what feathers should or shouldn't get wet isn't important. A bird who gets a body of soaked feathers and a bird who has waterproof feathers means nothing.

A common trait with pluckers is that they will over preen all the time whether wet or dry, in a cage or out of a cage, with another bird around or alone. Your focus should be getting the bird cleaned up if it's really necessary.

***** tho few years here she was getting better at preening those feathers she has left, but it hit me hard today that she's really not. *****

This is the most common thing a chronic plucker will do. You could call it-----taking a vacation from plucking.. The plucking will return because of the type of plucker your bird is.

Your bird shows all the typical signs of a chronic plucker.

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Oh she absolutely is a chronic plucker and we've walked a long path with her. She's in her own way content, so I do what I can. Having accepted her plucking, however, I'm concerned that her lack of waterproofing will make her ill in someway. If the oils are a protectant of some kind, and she's not getting that protection, I am trying to determine if it'll hurt her health. I had hoped the other grey might teach her some feather care (not the plucking, just the care) , which she is clearly not doing well.

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Oh she absolutely is a chronic plucker and we've walked a long path with her. She's in her own way content, so I do what I can. Having accepted her plucking, however, I'm concerned that her lack of waterproofing will make her ill in someway. If the oils are a protectant of some kind, and she's not getting that protection, I am trying to determine if it'll hurt her health. I had hoped the other grey might teach her some feather care (not the plucking, just the care) , which she is clearly not doing well.



Her feathers not being waterproof will in no way affect her health. The only thing that will happen is that those feathers may get a little dirtier a bit faster than the others. So, you should ease your mind about those feathers.

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