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Perfume being sprayed in the house??


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I know there are a lot of health issues with your bird being exposed to air fresheners like Febreeze. Does this mean you can never spay it in ur house or just around the bird? Also, how about perfume?


Say your bird is down stairs in a separate room with a hepa filter air purifier running 24/7 ... Can my son spray air fresheners in his bedroom up stairs with the door closed? Or axe body spray? It is sounding like my son has a serious odor problem. Lol. That is not the case.


How about spray for guests in the powder room?

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I personally do not wear perfume anymore, and the Axe body spray only is worn once and a while. As far as air fresheners, there is only one I know of that is safe and it is a round disk looking thing, I can not remember the name of it, but is a citrus smell and works really well. I have several air cleaners also in the house but why chance it? What a lot of people do not realize is that even if your in another room, it is the hvac that pulls and pushes the air throughout the house. So unless you have a separate ac system in the room you want to use a spray, the aroma will still be sent through the house.

Gosh I do miss perfume and scented lotions! lol

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Murfchck--I actually do have 2 HVAC units in the house. One for the upstairs and one for the downstairs but I get your point. I just feel that it is hard to adjust to not using those things in your house but agreed...why risk it. I did buy those round disks they are called Citrus Magic---Thanks for the reply.

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I think it depends on the layout of your home. I live in a very large, 1915 vintage home with no central A/C and a boiler (radiators in each room). Timber is on the first story. I do use air freshener type products on the second floor and in the basement and I don't think any of that comes near Timber. I avoid using anything like that in his room or the ones adjoining. I agree with the better safe than sorry way of looking at things, but in my particular case I don't think there is any problem.

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Thank you to all for the great advice. How about pump sprays for cleaning. Same concept? As long as bird is downstairs and windows are open upstairs. We can use pump cleaners? My son also has his own bathroom that needs a good cleaning at least once a week. We clean it everyday but needs deep cleaning once a week. Lol

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I am a chlorox hound for boys bathroom. I cleAn their bathroom and open window. ( of course close the bathroom).Sophie doesn't even know that bathroom exists! Nancy


Nancy---myself and my family are all Clorox dependent... from generation to generation. (everyone that spoke at my great grandmother's funeral had a bleach story...LOL) I don't feel its clean til I bleached the heck out of it! I think I need to go to Clorox anonymous for Maggie. LOL Maybe just for bathrooms in the conditions you listed. That is good enough for me.


Thank you!

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Lol Nancy. It is a big joke within our family about bleach. I think everyone in my family has showed up to a family function one time or another with a bleach spot on their clothes. Anyway, thank you for your comments.

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