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vacation in october


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In the first week of October, I'll be going on vacation about 4 hours away from home. I was originally going to board Ruby at her avian vet's office but decided against it because just taking her their for her appointment gets her nervous and I so not want to stress her out too much the four days I'll be away from her. Then I figured I could leave her at home and have my elderly grandma feed her but my grandmother is nearing 84 years old and I think that is asking too much. I mentioned my dilemma to my aunt and she offered to care for Ruby for the time I'll be away since I always care for her two guinea pigs every year when she goes on vacation with ehr husband and my cousins for a week. I have no problem with this. I've taken Ruby to her house numerous times and she's comfortable around my cousins. They handfeed her treats and such. I'll be taking her cage along with me and assembling it in her living room. The only downside is that Ruby will have to remain in her cage because once she is out, there is no way to get her back inside unless you have her step up and place her in her cage. The only person that she steps up for is myself... my issue is that I'm concerned she'll pluck while I'm away because she won't see or hear from me for four days... the longest she has gone without seeing me is two days and for the first few hours that I'm back, she can't keep herself off me, climbing up onto my shoulder and asking for tickles and such. I'll be restocking her cage with new and exciting toys to keep her occupied during her stay at my aunt's house and all I've asked my aunt to do is just change her food and water everyday and keep her inside the cage until I come back.



Is there anything else I should do now or take into consideration so I can make the transition easier? I have no worries about leaving Ruby with my aunt. I trust her with everything. I just want to make this process easier for Ruby so she doesn't think I've disowned her because this is the first time I'll be away from her for a long time.

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As long as she is comfortable with your Aunt and cousins she should be fine. She may be upset with you when you get home though. Mine usually get over their 'mad' in a few hours! LOL You could call ruby on the phone and talk to her. I have heard this helps, though I have never tried it. Mine were left with just someone coming in twice a day for just over a week once and they all did well - just the mad part when I did get home. You might teach your cousins (I don't know how old they are) to interact a bit more with Ruby. Talking to her, playing peek-a-boo, reading to her. All interaction will help with her boredom.

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My cousins are both 15 and 13. Their step sister is 10 and she's the one that gives Ruby the most attention. Lol


The phone idea is not a bad idea! Thank you. I'll give that a try. And I'm hoping having her in the living room will not be such a bad thing because that's where they mostly spend all their time in. Their step sister loves feeding Ruby papaya treats so I can instruct her to do so through the cage bars.


I'm going to see if I can arrange to drop her off sooner and see how she reacts to sleeping over at my aunts house rather than waiting until the last second. I don't want to overwhelm her too much with a new environment.



I'm hoping she picks up a few new words too while she's there! Lol the living room tv is constantly on.

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Excellent post by SterlingSL. A practice date is important. Start " skyping from work" if you can. Sophie LOVES talking to Ryan by skype for past two years. The moment he walks in the door...she comes running out! She would " knock us over", if she was big enough!You WILL get punished... Sophie would give me the silent treatment for 48 hours. No feather plucking... but let me know she was mad. Now, she just LOVES her sitters that I spend alot of time choosing and introducing. The moment I walk in the door, I get " HI ROM!" Her new sitter for my Oct vacation, is the sister of Sophie's regular sitter. He is off in college now, but Sophie met her once, just visiting us, and Sophie fell in love with her.I invited her back two more times ( she has a crush on Sean), Sophie loved her both times again. She is excited to babysit the gang, but I have two friends that Sophie loves, to be backup sitters and do stop offs. Jessica knows this, and knows they are available to help her as needed. Too bad Sean won't be here! LOL Nancy

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That is so cute! Ay definitely not looking forward to the silent treatment but I really don't have any other option. My aunt also has a coworker that has had a grey for over 7 years so if any questions arise while she's at work and she can't text me, I know her friend at work will be more than glad to answer any of her questions aside from the countless questions she'll ask me before I leave. Lol

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incubus1310.... It is important, for our birds to meet other people that can care for them, and that they can trust. It is also important, to deal with the punishment in a healthy way. When punished, let your bird know how much you missed them, let them know what you did on vacation, and ask what did they do. Let them know how much you missed them, and how life was not the same!If you feel and act " guilty", you are screwed! Nancy

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In regards to the silent treatment that may be true for some treys, but now all. Brutus is ALWAYS thrilled to see me. Maybe it is because I have left him many times before and I tell him when I am coming back. He has never held a grudge or given me a hard time for being gone. I think it is great that your grey gets to visit with your relatives. I think it is good to change it up every so often and four days is not that long. I think it helps grey be less neurotic to have different experiences. Have fun on your trip. Skyping is fun! We used to do that and Brutus would look behind the computer screen for me. ha ha

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