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Lost and Amazingly Found


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I just joined this forum back in May before I got my baby TAG, Gabby. Unfortunately she flew to my shoulder one evening while I was heading out the door to take away the trash. Before I could step back in, she screamed as if spooked, and bolted from my shoulder[/size]. I ran off the porch and yelled her name but she was high in the sky and soon out of my sight. I stood there in complete shock. It happened so fast I couldn't believe it. That was 3 weeks ago today.


I immediately got on Facebook and put out the word. I printed out flyers and posted them, made phone calls etc. That night I lay in bed while a thunderstorm was going on, thinking of her and wondering and worrying. I could not believe how much I was missing her since we'd only been together a couple of months. The guilt I was feeling was great and I was constantly on the verge of tears.


A week and a half went by with no word. I finally decided to get another baby Grey. This one was a female CAG. I knew getting her would be bittersweet but hoped it would let me move on.


Last Tuesday someone called me and said she knew who had Gabby and she'd told them a week earlier that she was mine and to contact me. They never did and this person was just now calling to tell me and said she'd heard they'd given her away. I went to the persons house and they lied and said that they had let her fly away. I was so upset because I knew they were lying and had no way of proving it.


A couple of days ago I was driving home with my new Grey and the phone rang. It was a woman saying she thought she had my bird and wanted me to give her the band number. Long story short, it was Gabby.

This girl was related to the person who found her earlier. She made up an elaborate story of trying to find the owner but I'm convinced that her intentions were to keep her. After a week, she realized she had neither the resources or patience to take care of another baby. Fortunately, she likes animals and realized that Gabby would be better off with me. They brought her to me that night.


I still can't believe I've got her back!!! She doesn't seem to have suffered any negative effects. We were both excited to see each other.


Now I've got another baby Grey!! Her name is Mayzie. She's sweet and beautiful and I'm a bit overwhelmed. I'm trying to give Mayzie time, especially since I'm hand feeding her and Gabby is especially clingy now. I've ordered her a new cage as the baby has hers. I head back to work tomorrow so wish me luck in getting thru the week.


Just wanted to share this crazy story.

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She can eat some solids but she still prefers her hand feeding. I'm sure she'll be fine and I'm going to be dedicating most of my time to these two in the evenings. Gabby is having some separation anxiety since she's been home. I could not get her off me last night at bedtime. She's nearly glued to me. I had to pry her off me this evening because I needed to leave for a couple of hours. I really hate to do that but it's sometimes necessary. Hopefully, things will return to normal in a few weeks after she has a new cage and is back to the normal routine.

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Gabby has adopted the role of mother to Mayzie. She's constantly trying to get her beak open to feed her. It's cute but I'm worried about passing along bacteria. I can't keep Gabby away from her as she is without a cage for the next few days, but I have put her in the bathroom during Mazie's feeding times. Gabby is wanting to be fed too when she sees the syringe. It's just one big circus for now.

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Wow, You hear a lot of stories of how people get their birds back after escaping. Usually it involves people helping and returning the bird. This is the other side, the dark side. In my opinion, if you keep something that you find knowing it belongs so someone else, it's the same thing as stealing.

I'm so happy that you got Gabby back. I would just let her cling for now and feed them both. She probably needs the reassurance at this time. I'm sure it was pretty scarey for her too.

Congrats on you new baby Mayzie.

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Congrats to you, your full house and expanded flock. It will be busy for a while but it seems as if Gabby and Mayzie want to be friends. It may be a blessing in disguise to have your hands full but to have two delightful little ones at a time. It's so good for you to find Gabby and not carry that worry in your heart. Happy days ahead for you. Thanks for sharing your reunion and news.

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Let Gabby take the lead with your new baby. Don't worry about bacteria. If they are enjoying being together, let them! Let Gabby be mom, friend, whatever role baby chooses her to be.Make sure you take them out separately, to bond with you.Be careful, that Gabby will be protective, and not want you to be with baby.You need to establish, you are the "BIG MAMA", and you will keep them both safe, and meet both of their needs. Its all about trust.... starting with Gabby. Nancy

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