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Update on Wilbur and Bigwick


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For those of you who remember Wilbur and I just wanted to update you on him. He is doing great and our friendship is growing stronger by the day. He had since chosen my son as his favorite person though and they are a treat to watch lol. Wilbur will break out of his cage at night and love in my son till he wakes him with kisses and nibbles. Wilbur get so excited at being near my son. He simply tolerates me I think :)...

We have since gotten a "Mustache Parakeet and let me say, he is equally as fun and mischievous as Wilbur. I cant believe we were so lucky as to have been given them both and even more hard to believe is that the previous owners didn't like them... I couldn't imagine life without either one... Well Take care my friends and God bless you all. Thank God for "Grey Forums" because we could never have gotten where we are without you... :PPicture0008.jpg

polly poseing..jpg

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I do remember you, it's so good to hear that not only is Wilbur thriving in your care, but you opened your home to Polly too. Your son is lucky to be a chosen one and its special that you encourage and delight in that as your enjoy Wilbur and Polly as well. I have never before seen a mustache parakeet, what a beautiful new friend you have found. Thanks for your update.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I do remember you, it's so good to hear that not only is Wilbur thriving in your care, but you opened your home to Polly too. Your son is lucky to be a chosen one and its special that you encourage and delight in that as your enjoy Wilbur and Polly as well. I have never before seen a mustache parakeet, what a beautiful new friend you have found. Thanks for your update.
"Polly" is a delightful Bird also. He will talk your ears off LMBO... when he gets wound up he just keeps rambling on, waiting for your mouth to move and interrupt you with "Wanna come out and play", or Step up", and "Good morning Ken"... The previous owner, sad to say passed away (Ken) and his wife was put in a nursing home so we took Polly in... No doubt Ken was his pick and he still remembers him... Polly is quite vocal but his voice is squeaky, kinda like sponge bob lol... He also is quite mischievous and I notice him doing things to amuse himself like bite me gently, then say "Humm" , as if to say (how do you like me now) in a woman's squeaky voice lol. When he get angry for real his feathers fluff up on his head only like an afro... He is hilarious...
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Oh and Polly will make the Smooching noise when you ask him to give you a kiss :)... Wilbur does not like him at all though and I got the bright idea that they would enjoy one another's company. Nope... Wilbur looked at him and kinda snubbed him off at first, then the Parakeet went for the food bowl and it was on. Wilbur chased him down and power slammed poor Polly to the bottom of the cage so that was the end of that. Polly wont go near him now lol... Wilbur climbs out of his cage sometimes just to put my wife and daughter on the couches. You can tell he really enjoys the fact they are intimidated by him lmbo... There he goes, feathers all flared out, running around the house. Girls on the couch yelling for me to get him...

Edited by Bigwick70
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Polly and my wife Connie. We take both bird outside now without their cages and they really enjoy that. I had to trim Polly's wings though at first cause he tried to fly across the street. He doesn't do it now though so I quit trimming. Polly came with a nice cage when we got it and Wilbur took it from him. Polly prefers it in the bedroom near my wife and I though. I have him a little cage and play area in here with us...

Edited by Bigwick70
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Thank you for the update. That video is precious. It's obvious how much you love your fids. Please don't take them outside without a harness or a cage. All it will take is some loud noise like a truck backfiring and they could be startled into flight and out of sight before you can do anything. We've had members lose their birds this way and I think your hearts would break if anything happened to them. <3

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I was just noticing that about them flying away after reading some other posts... Ive never seen a harness but ill definatly look into one now. The Parakeet already flew across the street once already... Thank you for the advise. It would be like losing one of our children...

Thank you for the update. That video is precious. It's obvious how much you love your fids. Please don't take them outside without a harness or a cage. All it will take is some loud noise like a truck backfiring and they could be startled into flight and out of sight before you can do anything. We've had members lose their birds this way and I think your hearts would break if anything happened to them. <3
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