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Oh my...


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The Grey sounds in the background are from this video

(you may need to be logged in to Facebook to see it), which I often play in the evening during "settle down time". You can also hear Rasa's flirting coos and growls. Megan has been making googly eyes at him for days, and tonight, he was out while I was vacuuming. I moved her cage forward (closer to his) to sweep behind. While sweeping, I made her get in the cage since I couldn't supervise and clean at the same time and they have just been introduced. (Before this video all three - Peck, Megan and Rasa - were out together and behaving just fine). I was vacuuming away and look up and see this.... oh my. So I had to grab the camera and catch it on video. Peck missed on but doesn't seem to care. Kind of like my ex, his only goal with Megan seem to be to poop on her. LOL


Good think they can't interbreed. I can't imagine what a Grey/Amazon cross might look like, lol.

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I love that link to the Project Perry Greys. Did he ever get around to recording an HD version of their evening chatter?


I am going to ask Kirah again about it. I told them I'd gladly pay for a long recording of the wild Grey sounds. I'd also love to have some Amazon sounds as well. Our birds LOVE LOVE LOVE that video and it does get them to settle in at night. Megan listens but does not call back, but Peck speaks that language and joins right in.

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I was able to view the video without having a Facebook account. Miss Gilbert was very interested. She got her feathers all fluffed up and did her cobra sway, eyes pinning. It's such a beautiful sound. I'm thinking the iPad was the object of her displeasure and she latched on through the bars to bite it. She has watched other videos of Biscotti or others talking and it didn't elicit this response. I will give her a couple of days and try again. She is a little jangled and cross about the noise levels around here.

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Rasa and Megan sittin' in a tree k.i.s.s.i.n.g. That was adorable with the cooing and purring. I was mesmerized. How wonderful that they are friendly.


And today she was being a little witch, biting at his tail. He's being so patient and just maneuvering away but showing no aggression. He's persistent, I will give him that. I can't believe she's being such a brat!

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Open the door!Time to get to know each other on a neutral gym! TRUE love. Nancy


They love going in the playroom together. The other day, I had one boiled egg. I rolled it on the counter to crack the shell and tossed it in one of the little locking crocks. As soon as Megan saw the bowl she went into a frenzy and flew over and was already trying to get it before I could even lock it in its holder. Rasa came over to investigate and looked into the bowl. As he walked up she backed off, but he didn't eat any. He backed up and let her go back to eating and he got his after she'd had her fill. It's so cute. Tonight she was going up to him and 'sparring'. She can be a little snot. He just moves away and lets her settle down and them moves as close as he can get. It's hilarious. He's completely smitten.

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LOL I am with Acappella! Muse... they are doing quite well. They CAN work it out under supervision.You are knowledgeable, insightful and are providing them with the best opportunities to acclimate. Before you know it... your birds will move in together like mine did! ( their own choice). They drove me CRAZY with the cage hopping several years back. Nancy

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