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kinda weird


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My gray has a foot fetish I think.

Sako my adopted gray of 5 month now,which she is almost 4 years old,seems to want to feed my toes all the time lately.

I work till 11 at night and when i get home sako wants to come into my room to sleep which is ok with me and I have a stand for her to sit on ,but she always wants to spend a little time with me first,and after a few scratches and cuddles,she heads down to my feet and starts to play with my toes and then I can tell she is trying to bring up some food to feed my toes,this has been going on now for about a week now.

Should I be worried and should I try to curve this rabbit,any advice on this please.not sure why she wants to do this.

Just want to send out my condolences to the couple that just lost there gray Zoe,my they find peace.

Thanks if any one can help....

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I laughed when I read this post! Timbersmom is right remembering my Sophie having a foot fetish! She LOVES Ryan's feet the most. He has the ugliest feet. Seriously! He has " hammer toes," and I see surgery in his future... but, getting past that, Sophie kisses, regurgis on his toes.When he is home and falls asleep in the living room which I know he will do, I leave Sophie's birdroom open, as I know she will sleep near his feet and be absolutely thrilled!( she will actually sleep on his feet!). This has been going on for years!

She also loves to play " tag", with Sean and his feet. He lives in Crocs, so one of her favorite games, is to put her beak in one of the holes, and run off like they are playing tag. She " hides", in plainsight with her beak down and butt in the air! LOL! Sean pretends he cant see her. Runs around to tag her back.I am truly delighted to watch their game of tag!

Obviously, I have BEAUTIFUL feet, as Sophie prefers ugly or smelly! Sophie has no interest in my feet. Nancy

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