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Who moved my flock member?!


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Wednesday morning, my Joe left for an overnight business trip, hence he was gone all day and overnight. No good night tickles for HRH Inara, and no good morning whistles and laptop perching. On Thursday morning, a dear friend of mine arrived from out of state to visit and spend the night. She visits once a year, and last year's visit was just before HRH came to live with us so the two of them had not met yet.


All was typical at first. HRH being unusually (for her) quiet during the first few hours of my friend's visit, which is normal for HRH around strangers. Then HRH toward early evening started whistling, "If I Only Had a Brain," which is her flock call for Joe. No answer. :(


Then she looked at our visitor and said quite pointedly, "You get up. You get going!! Get Joe!"


My visitor was quite taken aback 1) at the clarity of Inara's speech (since she had been so quiet up to that point) and 2) at the direct orders given.


It was clear that when assessing the situation HRH had concluded that:




  • Her favorite (besides me) flock member, Joe, left and did not return to the nest even after dark.
  • An interloper showed up in his place
  • The interloper was tolerated for a period of time not to exceed another sundown
  • The interloper must leave!
  • The interloper must go back to her own flock, find our Joe, and send him back to his rightful flock!


Upon Joe's return late last night, HRH was delighted and then quite forgiving of The Interloper, gracing her this morning with a flight from perch to the Interloper's arm to see if her coffee and accommodations were acceptable.


And peace will guide the planet, and love will rule the stars....


Inara's Human

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It`s amazing how their minds work when there is change in their life. You can see the wheels tuning in their head along with the reaction in dealing with the change.

In their minds they want things back the way they should be. Nothing out of place.

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