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A Cinderella Story


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Regis the blue and gold macaw and Grover the Amazon were prisoners in tiny cages. As near as anyone can tell, they lived this way for at least 25 years, somewhere in Virginia.





A kind veterinarian found out about their plight and immediately mobilized into action, trying to find fosters and hopefully permanent homes. I contacted her to let her know we could take them in even temporarily until a permanent home was found but she stated she wanted to find someone closer. She was also contacted by a woman from Arizona who had heard about the birds' plight and was willing to the take Regis. At first she was turned down due to the distance, but the vet stated she had this feeling, and after viewing the woman's Facebook page she found out they have a flock of well cared for and very spoiled macaws. It was apparent from her tons of pictures and videos that they literally live for these birds. She works from home and can spend lots of time with them. They have big cages but are out most of the day, and a huge planted aviary complete with an outdoor shower and waterfall to play in. But after just finishing the aviary, they were a bit short on cash to buy a last minute flight to pick up the bird. That's where we came in.


The vet posted a request for frequent flyer miles. I let my husband, who travels for business, know and he agreed to donate the round trip flight.


Meanwhile, a very lovely woman was fostering Regis and he began to bask in the new-found attention and actually being able to move around!



Note how shredded his flights and tail are from beating against the bars in that tiny cage.


On Sunday, his new mommy came and met him and Monday she flew back home with him to their beautiful paradise of a home with his new flock! We are very honored to have had even such a small part in this rescue. It's one of those perfect happy endings. Poor Regis has found a wonderful home with flight and flock and parronts that will love him. Grover is going to remain with the vet that rescued them. A win all the way around!

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What a wonderful resolution! Big hugs for helping out. Isn't it amazing that we find birds who are kept in these difficult conditions who are not plucked or overly neurotic, so much more to learn. Good feelings all around for the rescue and what a great new home!

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Muse, You hold a place of honor with me and the members of this forum for doing what you did to help this lady and Regis start a new life together.


Thanks Ray. What we did wasn't much really. The whole thing was a lot of little pieces coming together. It truly was a team effort and I am so happy that this poor bird is finally going to have a good life.

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We need more of these stories! These parrots deserve so much better than they get. I am smiling ear to ear as I imagine this Macaw's new lease on life.


I will see if I can get permission to post some of her photos of him at her home, on this forum. I am pretty sure she will be okay with it.

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This is a much needed validation that our world has good to overcome the senseless heartaches. Some day when you need it, there will be drivers willing to create a convoy of helpers doing what they can to connect the dots between rescue and a permanent solution. I will be among your faithful followers. Thanks for the posting and for your part in changing the lives of every small soul in your realm.

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Thank you all for the kind words and encouragement. I feel this was one of those things that were meant to be and feel honored to have been able to take part, even a small part, in it. His vet check wasn't perfect, but it was very good considering the conditions (the ex-owner was formerly a smoker, no idea how long the birds were exposed to the smoke).


We have some really big plans but need to pace ourselves. Actually our budget is going to pace us. We have money set aside for a generator (NEEDED here in the winter as we get frequent power outages). Our next projects are getting the "littles" a big walk-in flight cage/aviary (indoors) and screening in the porch so they can go outside. I also want to start building a walipini so we can have fresh produce year round. So much to do, but all so very rewarding, especially knowing there are now 40 lives that depend on me and that are better off for the work I do for them. When I look at Rasa, who might have been euthanized, and the budgies, who had a very uncertain future when no one wanted to take them, I know it is all worth it. I feel bad because we are full. I will hate having to say "no" but we simply have no more room. Time to start growing....

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Nicely done Muse. I hope Regis continues to bless your lives by thriving in his new home. Someone so dedicated to the flock will come back in due time with updates on his progress and pictures and videos to warm your heart and encourage you as you lend support for others involved in the rescues to come.

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Nicely done Muse. I hope Regis continues to bless your lives by thriving in his new home. Someone so dedicated to the flock will come back in due time with updates on his progress and pictures and videos to warm your heart and encourage you as you lend support for others involved in the rescues to come.


I got in touch with Regis's new mommy and she said it was fine to share pictures. She said she'd love for him to be a success story that inspires others. The other pictures of that horrid round cage were his old life. Now, here is his NEW life:



Regis in the aviary



Regis with his new big brother, Kaiser the Hyacinth - Kaiser has taken new birds under his wing when they have come into the family.



The aviary (note the shower in the corner). I am sure Regis must think he's in heaven.



Another view. Waterfall in this corner and look at all the play stands!!!



Regis and Kaiser


Seeing him happy and enjoying having a flock and freedom just chokes me up. But the tears are tears of joy. This is the kind of home we wish for every bird. -- Oh, and she thinks he may be a she because of behaviors ... DNA sexing testing is pending.

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Thank you for seeking permission and blessings to post these pictures. It made me tear up with joy to see Regis given a comparable paradise. We never know when we will be called upon to fulfill a role in comforting and lifting a weary soul, be it feathered, furry or human. All I know is each day our hearts beat we have a chance to do something marvelous. Some days it is nurturing and caring for ourselves to be strong and prepared when called to action, big or small. Regis is fortunate to have crossed your path on the way to his reward.

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Lots of space for flying or just hanging out watching the sunset.




Meet and greet with another flock member.




These last three were taken of Regis when he was showing off his new-found macaw attitude.




Look! I'm BIG! And SCARY!




Nice to see he knows how to act like a macaw. :) His mommy was very happy about this.


So the DNA sexing came back and he is a HE - all boy. He's blossoming under her wonderful care. He's actually preening Kaiser already which is unusual for birds who just met, and even more so for one who has been isolated for so many years. He also has begun asserting himself and acting like a macaw! Every picture she posts gives me a feeling like I have never known. It just makes me so happy to see this bird who had an absolutely miserable existence for 25 years come into such a perfect home.

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Congratulations, Muse, on becoming the first Honorary Members! Agreed. You and your husband have such wonderful hearts. I thought the earlier batch of photos were fantastic, and just now caught the ones from the 11th. The joy and confidence that emanate from them is just priceless. One life at a time...... couldn't send you more good karma because the forum is telling me I need to spread it around, but if I could, I'd click it a baker's dozen :)

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