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PVC question? Safe or not?


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I have been reading a lot about PVC pipe play gyms and found different opinions on the issue to use or not to use. Is there any medical reason why we shouldn't? I found this on a website about a PVC play gym and it made me a little nervous. Any thoughts?


PVC Tubes: Available at your local home improvement store. Many pet owners build play gyms or foraging toys out of them. PVC is one of the biggest contributors to the flood of toxic substances that can cause severe problems for human health and the environment. Vinyl chloride is a known carcinogen. PVC is an environmental poison because of its high chlorine content and chemical additives. PVC bio-accumulates and becomes stored in body fat of animals and humans. With cumulative exposure, they are potential carcinogens and may cause reproductive or developmental health problems. Potentially harmful chemicals called phthalates are added to PVC to make it soft, for example for use in infant toys and can leach out of toys that are chewed and sucked. Phthalates are known to cause liver and kidney damage, endocrine disruption, reproductive system damage and cancer."

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For the most part as long as you don`t use the glue and the cleaner.

They are a tight fit with out the glue. If you feel the need to make sure it stays together drill a small hole and use a self tap screw and they won`t come apart

Vet wrap will give them a good surface to grip on.

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