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Hi im looking for some useful info that im not sure about


No.1 should i peel carrots before i give them to my grey and is it ok to give them raw??


No.2 how much seeds should i give my grey would it be done by weight or when the bird stops eating or can i over feed him how regular should i be giving him fruit/veg daily, weekly or every second day??


No.3 should i be giving a tonic in his water if so does anybody have the name of a good tonic.


No.4 what nuts are best to give him and in what form would a grey be capable of cracking a walnut??


and last but not least


No.5 im not spending the time with my grey that he deserves at the moment as i've taken on an extra job to get me throuhg xmas and im getting married next year is thier any good ways of keeping him occupied in my absense??

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Raw unpeeled carrots are fine to give to greys, serve them raw, cooked, shredded, mashed, or whatever form you want.


I would not give too many seeds, just a few and offer plenty of fresh veggies and some fruits, I give some with other dried fruits and nuts in their own separate bowl.


Don't put anything in their water, those substances usually cause the water to turn foul after a bit and it is not needed anyways.


You can give most any kind of nuts, peanuts, almonds, pecans, walnuts, macadamias, pine nuts, cashews, and the list goes on. I'm nut sure a grey could crack a walnut but peanuts, almonds and pine nuts in the shell are good for them, especially as treats.


Just make sure he has plenty of toys and rotate them from time to time so he does not get bored with them. And I hope you are only spending the amount of time with him that you will be able to keep up because they get used to that and behavior problems may crop up if it is decreased a lot.

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Hi Noely - You asked:


No.1 should i peel carrots before i give them to my grey and is it ok to give them raw??


- No need to peel. As Judy indicated, you can shred, chop, dice cook etc. and find the way he like them.


No.2 how much seeds should i give my grey would it be done by weight or when the bird stops eating or can i over feed him how regular should i be giving him fruit/veg daily, weekly or every second day??


- Since you are gone most the day and if you are giving him a seed mix, place a portion that he seems to normally consume during the day. Also place a bowl of mixed veggies and fruit in their and a bowl of some type of pellets he may eat a few of. They will work their way around from bowl to bowl and consume some of each through out the day. Then at night, take all the bowls out, clean and refill again. Don't forget fresh water each time too!! Don't worry about over feeding, they will not eat until sick like a dog :-)


No.3 should i be giving a tonic in his water if so does anybody have the name of a good tonic.


No, with fresh veggies and fruit in his daily diet it could actually cause more harm than good and as Judy pointed out, spoil in the water.


No.4 what nuts are best to give him and in what form would a grey be capable of cracking a walnut??


They love peanuts, almonds, pine nuts etc. Leave them in the shell. They will need to work hard to get an almond open for example and spend a lot of enjoyable time dong so. It is good for developing strong beak muscles and also keeps the beak in tip top shape and trimmed naturally.


No.5 im not spending the time with my grey that he deserves at the moment as i've taken on an extra job to get me throuhg xmas and im getting married next year is thier any good ways of keeping him occupied in my absense??


Make sure he has bountiful types of foods listed above, play toys, wooded chew toys etc. to keep him mentally and physically challenged. You could also place his favorite fruit or nuts in something that he would need to figure out how to get to them.


Maybe leave the TV, Radio or a Parrot DVD/CD playing also for some background entertainment.


Hope this gives you some ideas. :-)

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Guest briansmum

great advice from above nothing much i can add really. though i will say as for nuts almonds are expecially good as they contain calcium.


and with carrots, whole ones (or big ones halved) threaded on a fruit spear or rope can be great for keeping them occupied. it's wonderfully satisfying to destroy and good for them at the same time.

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