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6 week old CAG, lying on his back?


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I have a 6 week old CAG, and i would like to for him to learn to be comfortable on his back. I know this can be a difficult task, but can anyone offer some suggestions or advice?


Preferably from someone who has been successful training their bird to do the same.


Thank you.

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I agree with Kin2321. Why would you want to do this, especially to a fragile 6 wk old baby? At 6 wks, the bird hasn't even established walking upright. Birds walk on their feet, not their feet. The bird isn't a toy. You can train a domestic dog to roll over on it'd back. That's a bad thing to do with a wild baby animal such as a parrot. Pay attention to making sure the bird learns how to be steady on it's feet, not on it's back.

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Not sure you can train them to lay on their back. They either will do it naturally or not. I thought it would be cool to have one that did it too but I waited until she naturally did it on her own and took advantage of the behavior. It started with hanging upside down on a rope which she did on her own. I cupped her a few times and held while she continued to play. She just naturally took to it. This was at 4-5-6 months old. Now she will roll over on her own even when I'm not playing with her or if I am she will grab my finger and try to pull my hand over her while she's play wrestles. We caught her last night laying upside down in a stainless salad bowl. She's a nut.

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Yep, Isaac dislikes this as well. Sometimes I will have to cup him in my palm when he tries to use my arm as a jungle gym....but they do not like being on their backs for any reason. Certainly probably good to save the parlor tricks for later. 6 Weeks is very young.

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Thank you for your concern & and jumping to conclusions :confused:…..First I suppose I should clarify something: I'm not trying to train the bird to lay on its back at this young age. I'm asking "long term" here perhaps in the years to come! I'm not trying to force him to do anything he wouldn't want to. I "want him to learn to be comfortable on his back"! If he doesn't become comfortable, thats ok. I just wanted to see if there was a way to teach him to be comfortable. Thats all.

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The clarification helps for sure. We all just really care for the birds over all else and wouldn't want a baby under any undue stress of performance. We jump to these conclusions, because many people do think that their greys should be performers and only focus on this. You will find that we have a high affinity for these lovely guys and focus on them first. To get to your point, I am sure they can be trained to do this...or you could try. I would focus just on building bonds first and letting them know that you have their back all the way...then you'll be surprised what they will do for you. :) Others can still chime in on actually doing this. I just thought I'd let you know who you are asking, we simply always err on the cautious side. We love these sentient little beings.

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While on the subject of young birds on their back; what is your opinions on this video? Would you say this bird is uncomfortable?


It appears as if this bird naturally enjoys to be on its back.



By the way...very...very cute video....and certainly the very first time I have ever seen anything like that!

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What a slug! LOL! Some obviously like to be on their back! Always listen to your bird. Sophie hates being on her back, but she sometimes gets herself " tangled' on my gate, and it is best for her to " drop' in my hand." I tell her " drop"... she does, because I have made a good decision. Of course I catch her. The point is, she knows I will catch her, and make her world okay again. Nancy

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