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And i wanted him to be a real talker---- ha!


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As you all know, I have two greys, a tag and a cag. My tag, Ana Grey, is now 6 and can talk but now chooses to just ask for nuts. Now Sterling Gris, the CAG, ( 3 in August) loves to talk and sing. Frankly when Sterling Gris began to talk and talk and talk, Ana Grey more or less stopped. Sterling Gris says what he wants and can repeat anything.


feed me, feed me I'm a starving birdie

Open the door I want to come out

You are my sunshine

Hello gorgeous

happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you


My youngest daughter has decided that Sterling Gris will be hers one day and has chosen a few phrases for him.


Like: Sheshe loves diamonds


and his newest: I want a cock


My youngest daughter wanted him to say, I want a cocktail but what she has gotten is "I want a cock".


I am sure my Sterling Gris is not the only grey to make his own phrases.... so what does your grey say that yours has made his/her own.


Come on give it up and let us all have a good laugh.

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My grey Smokey has a few choice phrases---says them when he feels like it and sometimes says them at the wrong time

son of A BITCH!!!!!

Missiouri SUCKS!!'

Hey, shut your damn mouth

and a few other things.


True Story


About 10 yrs ago, when we moved to PA, we had a neighbor who lived next to us. She was a very nice woman although she was a bit manic. Very nervous and high spirited. Always rushing and rushing. Very intense. She was also an artist who made crystal glass with all sorts of art designs that she put in.


So on the very first day that we invited her over to our house, a crazy thing happened. At that time Smokey's cage was behind the couch so a person who sat down faced the front and he was behind. He could be heard but not seen.


Anyway, this woman named Martha came over, saw Smokey and didn't make much of it. She sat down on the couch and my wife got some soda and gave her a glass.

She was holding the glass, sipping it when all of a sudden Smokey yells out with lots of emotion. It was the first thing he said after she came in.




Martha jumped, spilled the soda, slid down the couch to the floor and immediately screams out ( with fear in her voice) " Oh my God, what did I do. Is that what he thinks of me? Oh Jeez, I'm getting out of here". She really took off. We were laughing and laughing.

Well, it took us 3 weeks of talking and explaining things to her before she got the courage to come back in the house. From that point on she always had her eye on him and constantly told him " Smokey, you're a nice guy"'

To this day, my wife and I plus my son have big smiles when we think back to that incident.

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Dave - that's funny. She probably refers to you as 'those people with that weird bird'. HAAHAA...



GreycieMae doesn't say much but she does seem to know when to giggle, say 'Good [boy|girl]' and her favorite usually with impeccable timing is her fart noise. The funniest is when one of us is sort of scolding her and she opens that sweet little beak and out comes a fart noise. She knows we can't resist how cute she is.

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You have both just made my day. I thought Miss Gilbert was the only one with off color remarks and "the tone". It's so much easier to laugh without reserve at Smokey introducing the new neighbor than to hold my breath and turn away when Gil emphatically calls me wh%re or b!tch in front of company or accuses a guest of sh!t on the floor. There is going to come a day when Sterling Gris remembers his cock... tail request at just the right time to regale your daughter with his clever recall.

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You know Dave for some reason, I know in my heart that you have oodles of stories to share with us if you would just let them rip!!!!!!


Smokey has always been a dog lover ever since my pointer used to put his head and face on the table and watch me or my wife hand feeding Smokey. Eventually, he'd fall asleep in that position. Smokey was approx. 6/7 wks old and would have him in a small shoe box on the kitchen table when feeding him. The dog was fascinated. Eventually, they became very close buddies as the pics will show.

So, one day, my wife's sister comes over with her toy poodle. The dog was only about 8/9 lbs. Smokey is on his cage, sees the dog, flies down close to her and says very calmly " lets screw". I don't know where he got that although I have an idea who said that around him. So anyway, the dog gets frightened, backs up to the owner and is shaking a bit. Smokey turns around, walks away and says "oh well"

My dog and Smokey were partners in crime. They were like glue. Smokey got very down when the dog died 11 yrs later.





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Loved all the stories and "witticisms" from the birds! Loved the pics too Dave. I was just thinking as I was reading this that they really do put things together themselves. Timber says a few things and I wonder where he got them or heard them. Now that I think about it, he may just be putting stuff together. I don't say "let's screw" for example, but I have told the kids to "don't screw around with that" and similar. Considering how they can come up with their own phrases, I'm being to see the light here. Timber says "damn bird" in a low voice and really drawls it. It's possible that he was called "damn bird" at a previous home, but maybe not. He has heard "damn" a few times I know, usually with emotion, and we are always saying "bird" this or that, so maybe he put it together himself. Interesting, and keep the stories coming! I love reading them.

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Loved all the stories and "witticisms" from the birds! Loved the pics too Dave. I was just thinking as I was reading this that they really do put things together themselves. Timber says a few things and I wonder where he got them or heard them. Now that I think about it, he may just be putting stuff together. I don't say "let's screw" for example, but I have told the kids to "don't screw around with that" and similar. Considering how they can come up with their own phrases, I'm being to see the light here. Timber says "damn bird" in a low voice and really drawls it. It's possible that he was called "damn bird" at a previous home, but maybe not. He has heard "damn" a few times I know, usually with emotion, and we are always saying "bird" this or that, so maybe he put it together himself. Interesting, and keep the stories coming! I love reading them.


Yeah, you're very right and don't forget that no matter where they lived in the past---They never forget. They simply store it away in their closet.


Everything is cool for a number of years and all of a sudden out of no where----!!Fuc** You!!

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I have gotten the F you from Cotay after I took her picture. I about fell on the floor laughing in shock. So far she has only said it a few times. Yesterday however our newest member, Koko, over heard me slip and say "what the f..." she immediately repeated it oh so clearly. I went running in the room with excitement asking her "where's the duck???" She looked at us like that is not what I said and went right into a dance.

Bubba however beats everything. Him and Ollie were playing on the couch when Gabby did a fly over. He followed her with his eyes all they way over, ducking and saying "fuuu€€€€$$$$" drawn out until she landed. Lol

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That's funny! I bet your daughter was surprised by the "translation." ;)


Megan has a few good ones.


She learned "Whee" and "peek-a-boo" but she says "weekaboo". She also likes to turn things around. I tell her "Be a nice bird. Don't bite." She translated that to "Don't bite, nice bird." One of her favorite phrases (learned while I was attempting to potty train Marden) is "Come on, go potty! Do it, do it! SQUEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeze one out!"

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Love these stories!! Made me choke on my coffee this morning. :D The 2nd night after Inara came to live with us, She was on her perch by the supper table. My Joe was talking to me (hence I was ignoring HRH) and Inara leaned over, stock still, stared Joe in the eyes, and said, "You @ss!" I tired hard not to burst out laughing, and Joe said, "Did she just call me an ass??!" I said, "Clear as a bell!" Definitely gave us a peek into her former owners' lives. hahaha.


Her first real made up by herself swearing is her, "What the quack??!" Joe is famous for saying WTH? When he's working on something around the house. And every time Inara would make this one particular undecipherable sound, I'd say "quack" to her. She still says, "What the quack?!" when something startles her or when she wants to elicit laughs.


She *also* is great at the fart noise. She makes it when I'm cleaning her cage, when she sees a paper towel, and whenever I wipe up a drop of poop from something. How she put it together with poo is interesting as we never have used that with her. However, Joe does fart quite proficiently ... and I'm sure Inara knows that it is not coming from the facial part of his anatomy. :D :D

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My friends rescue female Congo says F Yooooooooooou in this really high voice. When she first got her she was up late working and the house was very quiet and she heard in a VERY deep voice "Hi Precious"! My friend said she about had a heart attack. lol I Love to hear them talk. Phoenix "talks" now and you can definitely make out what he's saying but it's in his bird voice. I'm always thinking "Oh, have I slipped and said something I shouldn't".

Edited by M'sBabies
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I just got home from being away for four days. A new baby German Shepard was living with us. I met the pup... made his owner put her away in kennel so Sophie could come out. Sophie cameout, gave me an " earful", basically saying "HELL NO!" Now I need to think of a kind way to tell him it is time to go home to his own family. Sophie has no interest in this pup and the pup is limiting her free time. Nancy

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