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Not a Lap Dog....


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I will not be jealous. I will not be jealous. I will not be jealous. I will not be jealous.


I'm so jealous! lol

D I T T O -- HRH is a sweetie, but busy busy busy. To snuggle like that?? Awwwww...... as birdhouse said, "I will not be jealous...." :D :D

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I still can't get my mind around Ray reaching under the cover and rubbing Cricket's head without looking. I am granted sporadic and gradually more frequent privileges to touch Gilbert on the head, only through the bars and then I must watch carefully for signs of her being finished far sooner than me. When I see that photo, I think "maybe someday" and yes, I too have pangs of envy. Lucky lucky Daddy bird.

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Cute. Amadeus will snuggle like that with me, when he is good and ready, lol. Most of the time he whistles and talks to me trying to get my attention. I get up and go to his cage and try to get him to step up to me and come back to my SLUG chair across the room. I think the mistakes I made when I first got him have him responding too aggressively. Biting, not hard, is his way of playing. I don't mind the nips, as he is just talking to me with his beak, and he does not try to actually hurt me. When he nips me I say no, and he backs up and says no back to me. When he does this at my desk, it is usually because he wants more attention than I am giving to him. When he nips me on the neck in my chair, he just wants to snuggle, but the NO comes out, and he gets taken back to his cage.

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I will not be jealous. I will not be jealous. I will not be jealous. I will not be jealous.


I'm so jealous! lol



I try not to be, but I can't help it. Marden was very cuddly, in fact - he loved to climb under my shirt and nestle in my bosom to sleep. He was the most cuddly bird I have seen. It was like a stab in the heart every time I'd see Megan cuddling daddy.


But in a new development: Jack is a mitred conure. Somewhere in his distant past he was abused. His right femur is shattered and his right eye ruptured. He went for his vet check as part of quarantine a couple weeks ago where, sadly, they found his good eye is developing a cataract so that he will soon be fully blind.


Sunday he was acting like he didn't feel good and his right eye was matted shut. When it finally opened, it looked infected. So off to the vet we went. As the vet tech and I were trying to get him on the scale, he jumped on my arm. I was trembling, expecting a bite. He's lunged at me every time I got near him.


Nothing. Just a sweet bird sitting on my arm. Then, he climbed on my shoulder as soon as she left the room. I was really nervous about that. He'd only been here a month (exactly - he came here 7/11). I normally don't let birds I don't know well on my shoulder. I cringed in anticipation of a bite to the face. Nothing...


The "lunging" I was perceiving as aggression is him using his beak to steady himself because of his disability. With his broken femur (shattered in multiple places and not treated) he can't "step up" like other birds. And he's almost blind and cannot see where he is going. He's lunging forward with beak open to feel where he is going and to steady himself. He doesn't bite down and pull himself. It's all very gentle. I feel like such a fool for not trusting him.


He spent a good hour on my shoulder last night after I got him out to clean his eye with saline solution (per doctor's orders). He was very upset with being toweled but immediately forgave me and very gently climbed the front of my shirt (without leaving holes) to perch on my shoulder. I found he is a cuddler, a preener and a kisser. The preening tends to be one hair at a time and he removed a few (Please, God, let them have been the grey ones!) but he was super sweet and affectionate.


So now I can be a little less jealous of hubby's cuddle bird because I have one, too. :)

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OH, A daddy grey.


We affectionately refer to him as the "daddy stand". When Mar was alive, he was the preferred perch for both birds. Even though Mar loved his mama, he loved his daddy more (except during hormonal times). Megan worships the ground he walks on.

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I still can't get my mind around Ray reaching under the cover and rubbing Cricket's head without looking. I am granted sporadic and gradually more frequent privileges to touch Gilbert on the head, only through the bars and then I must watch carefully for signs of her being finished far sooner than me. When I see that photo, I think "maybe someday" and yes, I too have pangs of envy. Lucky lucky Daddy bird.


I know exactly what you mean. Peck has only recently permitted me to give head scritches out of the cage. And at times he does the 'big bad bird' fluff thing, but still lets me (and I am stupid enough to try) without a bite. The trust is coming. Slowly. He's staying on my head longer each time. He's learned not to yank out clumps of hair but rather to preen more gently. But it's all on his terms and I do so very cautiously. He still strikes the bars of his cage at times. He actually flew across the cage the other day but merely ran into my arm with closed beak rather than biting. He's very hard to figure out.


Daddy is this girl's world. She tolerates me. I am her servant, food dispenser, and her minion but she will suck up to me with voluntary kisses if she knows I am going to take her to where daddy is.

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Cute. Amadeus will snuggle like that with me, when he is good and ready, lol. Most of the time he whistles and talks to me trying to get my attention. I get up and go to his cage and try to get him to step up to me and come back to my SLUG chair across the room. I think the mistakes I made when I first got him have him responding too aggressively. Biting, not hard, is his way of playing. I don't mind the nips, as he is just talking to me with his beak, and he does not try to actually hurt me. When he nips me I say no, and he backs up and says no back to me. When he does this at my desk, it is usually because he wants more attention than I am giving to him. When he nips me on the neck in my chair, he just wants to snuggle, but the NO comes out, and he gets taken back to his cage.


Megan kind of does the same with him. She can be very rough when playing though, often breaking skin. Good thing daddy has tough hands. She doesn't play like that with mama because I don't let her chomp my fingers.


It sounds like your boy has you pretty well trained! ;)

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Whisper will snuggle with me but then she has to make attempts to destroy my earrings or necklace or regurge somehow that kind of spoils the cuddle effect.


Megan loves shirts. I don't wear jewelry, but then I don't let her sit on my shoulder as a rule because she's bitten me in the face before. Daddy's shirts often have nice lacy patterns around the shoulders area where she will sit and make little snips with her beak.

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