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Baby owner to be.. tomorrow! - How should I prepare the cage?


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Hi everyone,


Some of you may (or may not) remember that I posted a thread a short while back about putting a deposit down and which sex bird to pick for our new baby grey. Fast forward a few weeks and we've been to visit the breeder and see the babies several times and have found the female of the two more settled and happy with us and she is ready to collect tomorrow! *so excited* :D


I also picked up our cage today too, which is an ex-display unit and was pre-built. It has been sitting in the pet shop for at least 4 weeks, if not more (before I found it) and does look dusty. :(



So my question is, how do you suggest I go about cleaning it? :confused:


After much research online, hot water, lemon juice, white vinegar and possibly some baking soda seem to be the suggestions of the majority, if not a 1/10 bleach/water solution to disinfect. My problem is though; the cage won't fit in our bath tub to 'shower' it with hot water. I have no hose for blasting outside, though this would be cold, and I just want to make sure a thorough job is done before the new perches/toys are put in.


An additional question is, should I be washing/disinfecting the toys/perches too, before they go into the cage? Food bowls I have had through the dishwasher already, so they're good to go, but its the cage im worried about getting really clean.

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I think vinegar will suffice. Just spray it down and scrub with sponges or a brush. As far as toys/perches, if they are new I wouldn't worry about disinfecting. I have never pre-cleaned new toys or perches (others may differ--it never occurred to me to clean them). I am happy you will soon have your new grey home. You are in for a wonderful adventure--one I HIGHLY recommend.

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Thanks Jeff!


I went with a 1:3 vinegar/water solution, rubbed and wiped down with that, rinsed, dried and then misted the entire thing with bird disinfectant from a local store. smelled nice, but ive wiped all that off now too and its dry. Getting muh birdie later this evening :D *excites*

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Thank you everyone.


We brought her home last night. We'd been to see her a few times at the breeder's and i was petting her and she stepped up onto me with no problems at the breeders so all was good! She's beautiful.


The travel cage we ordered hadn't turned up so I had to create a make-shift cage with a cardboard box!





The journey home was about a hour and a half, she was very quiet and didn't really move much, just observed and checked us out really. Name wise, we decided on Raphael (after the ninja turtle & because of the red tail) as we wanted something fairly unique. Here's one from inside the car :)





It was nice to see her feeling comfortable enough to be falling asleep though, even during the somewhat bumpy ride...






We had quite a long first night trying to get her of out the box though!...


I slowly ripped and then pulled down the 'bar's of the front of the box, to 'open up' the 'cage' for her, after a hour or so of feeding bits of apple and trying to coax her out, she eventually came to the edge, but then flew out over my hand around and up on top of her new cage!! lol. I tried to get her to step up on my hand, so she flew on top of the TV, then back to the cage... you get the idea. This went on for about 5-7 minutes before she half (soft) crash landed between two pieces of furniture i picked her up, from underneath, supporting her weight by the belly and had one foot held down with my two fore fingers and thumb. She tried flying toward the cage again but because I had a hold of her I held her back onto a soft cushion by me on the sofa, she tried again, and i did the same, this time proceeding to stroke her head, neck and back. Whilst every second felt like an eternity it also felt like we were both calming down (from adrenaline not any bad atmospheres!) by huge amounts. 10 seconds later and she was content and happy being scratched and started almost falling asleep in my lap.


After about 10 mins of this, now that we were both calm, I put her in her cage :) That first few moments though was so intense! I had my hand under her belly/chest (holding her feet) and my other on top, and could feel her heart beating - though not quite as fast as mine i dont think!!




Today, she has been quiet, gave her some warm softened pellet 'soup' this morning. She is yawning an AWFUL lot though. Is it normal for her to be so tired? I tried all ways to get her out of the cage today but she wouldnt have it. I am able to touch her feet, stroke her back, scratch her neck and sometimes she'll stand on me, but looks to hop/fly off as soon as she realises its me shes on! But what's weird is, every time i go back to do any of the above, its like starting again. Very slow, gradual approach, over 5-10 minutes. She chirps a little when (i assume) is excited, and feel like sometimes she wants to step up or come out but is holding back, so i try not to force it.


I'm just concerned the longer she goes 'in' the cage without spending time out or on me, the harder it'll get? She was sooo loving and easy to deal with at the breeders, which im guessing is because she was fully comfortable in her 'home'? So may is still adjusting. She's eating well, ive been moving and adjusting perches around inside her cage for a bit today and she doesnt mind my hands wandering in there or anything, so I guess thats good.


She stretches her wing (with one leg) a lot, what does this mean? Just a stretch? ..and a few times has wagged her tail after shaking her head vigerously. I just hope we can get the contact back sooner rather than later but don't know if im expecting too much too soon? I want to clicker/target train her and eventually get a harness on (which arrived this morning) but it all seems quite far away if i cant get her out the cage. Still watching to figure out what her fav foods are too for 'treats'. She doesnt seem to go nuts for 'seeds' yet, sunflower, hazel, wal, almond or anything. Fresh Apple chunks I think are the thing atm.


So aaaaaaaanny advice and thoughts and opinions you can share I would be GREATLY appreciative for!!!


I think my girlfriend took some video last night of trying to entice her out the box, so i'll try and post some of that later if you'd like to see? :)



Thanks again,


~ Phil

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Just give her a few days to observe the household and her new flock. Offer your hand for a step up and praise her like heck if she does it, but don't be worried if she hops right off again for now. You may have more luck getting her to step up from a perch mounted on the outside of the cage, or on the inside of the door so that it's outside when the door is open. Let her new cage be her safe place for now as she adjusts to her new surroundings.

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Definitely best to let her set the pace. "Grey time" is a concept to start getting used to. Don't rush things, but definitely talk to her, sing, offer treats etc. Be a calm and safe presence. Soon she will begin to open up when trust us established. So glad she is home and doing well with you.

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welcome home to your new baby I can feel the excitement in your posts. Is this your first bird? First Grey? Definately give it time. She needs to get used to you, the new home the new sounds the new toys. Lots to take in for you both. Even if she doesnt want to come out of the cage right now there is still lots of bonding time you can have singing, reading and talking to her :) so dont give up! lots of fun round the corner for you for sure. Enjoy

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