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Brutus is Gone -- My Worst Nightmare!


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Wow, Sterling that is some dense housing! Are there ANY trees? Did you measure the distance she flew?


There are tons of trees in that picture, it's just zoomed way out. She flew pretty far. The straight line from house to found is about 1.5 miles. As you can imagine we searched the quadrant area where she was 'last seen' (including above the picture boundary) exhaustively - with cars, motos and finally bikes. The place she was found was only our first pass and was only on a whim because I was sure I wouldn't find her in that direction. It's so amazing she found our little bicycle trail and parked her butt in a tree next to it and just waited.

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Other than thinking of the dangers and loss, I can only imagine the adventures of these escapees. Everything outside so foreign, they are naive to the predators but there has to be a primal instinct of flying freely also battling with their desire to be back in the safety of their familiar home. It reminds me of the movie "The Village" where everything they knew was a carefully crafted illusion. The idea of one of our beloved companions fending for himself in the outdoors with no skills or life experience is so distressing to us humans. I just wonder how they think of it. Brutus and Greycie both express signals of danger, they seem to get it that inside is the safest place for them. I am just ever so grateful and relieved they are home.

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Sharon...; I am glad Brutus is home. I knew he would be, if you were determined. You were, and went out of your " comfort zone". You found your baby and I hope you made many new friends. I am sure both Brutus and you are exhausted. It is amazing how much people will help you with our animals. I have made many friends with strangers when needing help for my birds or pups. Nancy

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I really don't think for one minute that Brutus enjoyed being "free." He knows what he has here and I think he loves his home! I am thankful he was fully flighted and had had a chance to build up his flight muscles to keep him safe while he was out. I know that experience tested his abilities. I don't think he wants to repeat it! He is sitting here grinding his beak and he is so content to be here with me and the gang.

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I'm of the opinion it's fun for the first few minutes until reality sets in. In Greycie's case she was seized upon by the neighborhood crows that continually harass the hawks around here. I'm sure they gave her a warm welcome as I saw them swirling around her as she flew to the horizon.


When she found us, she was ALL TOO EAGER to get us over to the tree (it was dark) where she launched out of the tree in the dark (highly unusual) and flew around until she bumped into my wife who was calling her. She really wanted to go home. I remember she was starving and very thirsty. No way that's fun.

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My heart was aching thinking of any beloved animal being lost. Greycie's story made me get a lump in my throat. How scared they must be. I am so thrilled for all the ones that make it home and heartbroken for the ones that don't. I cherish my 'babies" every day. I should say Greycie's story ALSO made me get a lump in my throat. I thought about Brutus non stop til he was found.

Edited by M'sBabies
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Can i just tell you about a million times how happy I am that he is back! He was talking up a storm earlier today, so he must be feeling better. He is forgetting and he is also grateful--I can tell! I love my little guy so very much!


Ohh you don't have to tell me. When Isaac flew back to my hand after being out for 24 hours...I wailed like a basset hound and hugged him so much. Just thinking about it really chokes me up.


When I read your post that you had found him, I felt that same relief. It made my weekend to know he would be safe.

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It is now almost two weeks since he came back home. He seems to have forgotten all about it and has no neuroses as a result. He is talking like a crazy person! The scratches around his eye are nearly all healed. I never did take him for granted before and I always held my breath a little when I got home until I heard or saw him. But now! I warn him, "to stay home" when I leave. I think he would tell me, "to not worry about because NO WAY am I doing THAT again!"

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