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Another surprise!!!!


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Well surprise of surprises!!!!!


If you remember I got my last Blue Front Amazon for nothing because the owners who owned this zon since the age of 2 were moving to a senior estate. Loud parrots not allowed. I had requested something to prove that I owned my new zon but to be honest I didn't read it because I just wanted proof of ownership. I just put it away as free is free. The wife had said she was sure their zon was female. Well I read the sales receipt because I was filing paperwork today, silly me for not reading it sooner.


Anyhow for the record my 33 year old newest amazon is a male who is named Toby. I am not unhappy about the sex of my two zons as they get along just fine and now I do not have to worry about eggs. Hooray!!!!


Anyhow, Toby has been practicing flying when he is out of his cage. Actually, I am pretty impressed as he flies across the kitchen, down the hall and to his cage in the bird room. I launch him off about 3/4 times a session and am very happy with his progress.


So Ray please mark my second zon as a male whose name is Toby. Thanks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update on Toby. If you will remember, Toby was cage bond for the years he lived with his prior owners since he was 2. He is now 33 and I have had him about a month give or take a little. Anyway, when I let my parrots out, they are all flyers, I help Toby with some take offs so that he will have to flap his wings and well- fly. He is getting to be pretty good at it. Louie, my other BF zon, wants so to be Toby's friend but Toby is not willing but, yesterday Louie flew off to the bird room from the living room through the kitchen, down the hall to the bird room and Toby was right behind him, flying his heart out. It was a wonderful sight to see and hear two BF zons flying across my home one after the other. Magnificent, simply magnificent!!! Louie is determined that Toby become active and bless his big heart for his efforts. Go Louie.....pay attention Toby, Louie is truly a good friend!

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Well what do you know? Welcome to the family Toby. Coincidentally, just yesterday I was thinking how connected our own family has been through the name Toby. My now 26 year old daughter had a teddy bear as an infant we dubbed Toby. One of our nieces named her cat after him and decades later another niece is carrying on the tradition by naming her cat the same. I was wondering how that name came into our thoughts and along comes another Toby from the same era. I have to admit, I'm missing Lulu just a little. Since we discovered Gilbert's mistaken gender would it not be astounding if we could find out that she calls me LuLu because it was her name in her original family? Kudos on the vision of Louie and Toby in magnificent tandem flight.

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