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Agression somewhat resolved... And polar opposites....


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A few weeks ago I posted about Radar being very aggressive towards everything, including me, and especially towards my orange wing amazon, Echo. The aggression started when I first brought trunks of books temporarily into my living room and he didn't like them. He started plucking his chest feathers and getting nippy. I realized the problem with the trunks and moved them, but too late for his liking. Then came rearranging the living room, putting the cages somewhat closer (8 feet apart instead of across the room). The birds seemed to be making friends, but then something happened and they were screaming at each other and lunging every chance they got. Radar bit through my top lip one day when I was separating them.


Fast forward two weeks- I have come to the realization that Radar does NOT like change, in any fashion. The living room has been moved back to it's original position, with his cage in his favorite corner by the windows, and Echo's cage across the living room, a full 12 feet away. Although I do have to watch carefully, there has been only one bite incident since moving him back, and both birds seem happier. I will be buying both birds new toys next week, so hopefully that will help too.


As a funny- Echo has had the same toys in the same spot for a few months. I decided to move the toys today and the look of confusion on his face was priceless. He just stared in disbelief and started meowing like a kitten. He is so confused that the tis have been rearranged, but is happy all the same. Nothing reallybothers that bird- unless of course, Mommy is in the room and she needs to be defended!



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So glad to know things are settling down. I'm wondering if some of it was the moving of the cages. When you think about it, our birds' cages are their homes. We would be pretty disoriented and shook up if someone just arbitrarily moved our house. Just a thought... :)

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