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Sorry I've been gone so long! Just a quick update .... as you can see my latest tattoo of Miss Marco on my arm. LOVE love love it! I had surgery back in April and was out of work for almost 10 weeks. Getting back into the groove of everything has been hard especially not sleeping all day lol. :rolleyes: But I am doing TONS better now and glad I went through it.


Marco has definitely hit her terrible 2's for sure. She's very nippy lately and more possessive of her "stuff" then she's ever been. Course she isn't really nipping me as much as others in the house. She has been holding onto my finger when I go to put her down and not letting it go lately. After poking holes in my finger she had a little manicure done! Man they were sharp.


I had her groomed and since the store that I got her from closed I took her to the vets. They have a huge Eclectus there so I figured she was in good hands. Dear Lawd, how wrong I was. :( I will never ever do that again! I've never felt so horrible in my life but she took it like a champ. They have since began to grow out and she's regained some flight.


Her vocabulary has absolutely exploded and we have been trying to keep track of everything she knows. Her latest word is graham cracker. :D Shes a nut for sure. ALmost holding full conversations with me now. It amazes me how quickly she's learning the words. Course the dogs don't have a minute of quiet since she knows all their names and has begun bossing them around. "Toby lay down" "Turbo go potty?" "Cricket... cricket"


She is still very attached to only me (which I'm totally ok with *winks*) and just a sheer pleasure to have in our lives.


I hope everyone is doing well I will try to get back soon. Miss talking to everyone! So what's new with any of you?

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thanks ya'll :) the tattoo was an actual picture of her I took outside in the backyard that I took to my tattoo guy. I love that she is always with me (in a manner of speaking) now. I hope the terrible 2's don't last long lol she's sometimes a super pain in the rear! She has taken to sitting on the window sill when we are outside which is all well and fine until she figured out it was made of wood ... SO not happy with her additional carvings in it grrrrrr.


She's still as beautiful as ever, and still a super messy eater! I notice if I don't pay her enough attention she comes on over and makes sure I notice her, specially if we are watching tv or Im on the computer. She knows everyone in the house by name now, and even her address which I thought was a great thing to teach her incase she ever got lost! She knows her first and last name and her address! We have so much fun watching her grow every day. I cant really imagine my life w/out her.


Its good to be back and Ive missed ya'll. Gonna try and go back and read all the stuff I missed might take me a while but I'll get it done.

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Glad you are feeling better. And glad the back surgery went well. We will have to compare notes someday. Aerial sounds just wonderful.


oh it wasnt back surgery ... but still a major surgery infact I couldnt believe I would of been out as long as I was but it took a full 6weeks before I felt descent again and now Im in tip top shape :D

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Glad to see you back. How old is Marco now? We're dealing with terrible two's here too and Greycie will be two in three months. She's super jealous of the other birds, very nippy and naughty. She still has her sweet moments though. She won't talk that much for some reason, says the same old same old that she's been saying since she was around 6mos and hasn't learned anything new. Did your Marco do the same?



I've never been into tatooing myself but I've though about getting this - just the bird, not the 'I <3' part...



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Glad to see you back. How old is Marco now? We're dealing with terrible two's here too and Greycie will be two in three months. She's super jealous of the other birds, very nippy and naughty. She still has her sweet moments though. She won't talk that much for some reason, says the same old same old that she's been saying since she was around 6mos and hasn't learned anything new. Did your Marco do the same?



I've never been into tatooing myself but I've though about getting this - just the bird, not the 'I <3' part...



Marco turned 2 in December 2013 so she is about 2.5 now. She has become the same as far as nawty and nippy. I knew it was coming tho, secretly thought maybe she'd breeze through it. Very possessive as well. Apparently she doesnt like hubbys mother too much either because she knocks down her picture off the wall atleast once a day ha!


Marco's vocab has ONLY since exploded since she hit about 2. She was a late talker and now learns things so fast, be it good or bad :o

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LOVE your tattoo! Beautiful! So glad you are back. I mostly lurk on the forum, reading the trials and tribulations of others and soaking up all the advice I can find. I have always been particularly interested in hearing about the experiences of those who have fids approximately the same age as my Jake. Jake turned 2 at the end of April, and has suddenly gone from my sweet, obedient, cuddly boy to a little monster who bites, chews on chairs, flies to anywhere we don't want him to go, and fights going back in his cage. He still has his really sweet times, but oh were all those who posted about the terrible twos correct! Anyhow, after dealing with major surgery, it probably puts everything in perspective for you. So glad you are back to only having to worry about occasional "nawty and nippy". And so nice that you can sit back and enjoy the language explosion!

  • Haha 1
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I am confused. What got clipped, his wings? Just a thought, If you took him outside with you that would help the wood chewing problem. Glad you are feeling better. My guy's twos lasted about one year, so not forever, and not really that bad.

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LOVE your tattoo! Beautiful! So glad you are back. I mostly lurk on the forum, reading the trials and tribulations of others and soaking up all the advice I can find. I have always been particularly interested in hearing about the experiences of those who have fids approximately the same age as my Jake. Jake turned 2 at the end of April, and has suddenly gone from my sweet, obedient, cuddly boy to a little monster who bites, chews on chairs, flies to anywhere we don't want him to go, and fights going back in his cage. He still has his really sweet times, but oh were all those who posted about the terrible twos correct! Anyhow, after dealing with major surgery, it probably puts everything in perspective for you. So glad you are back to only having to worry about occasional "nawty and nippy". And so nice that you can sit back and enjoy the language explosion!
smiles well Im glad you finally replied to the forum instead of lurking! :D welcome. Its fun to hear of everyones adventures with their babies and its fun when you can relate to going thru the same thing with someone. Im hoping it doesnt last long, but Im ok with marco wanting or needing more independance and Im glad she can entertain herself for long periods of time alone on her boing or tree stand or atop of her cage. She definately is the one to initiate contact now and I just go with the flow, she kinda runs that now and thats fine. She's very very alert and its kinda funny when we go thru each night the words she knows if I throw something in there she doesnt know (yet) she tilts her head and looks at me funny like... say what? lol :D Its so much fun to be able to talk to her and watch her learn and do new things. Hope to hear more about you and your baby Jake :D
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I am confused. What got clipped, his wings? Just a thought, If you took him outside with you that would help the wood chewing problem. Glad you are feeling better. My guy's twos lasted about one year, so not forever, and not really that bad.

sorry for confusing you, yes I took marco in for a "trim" and they clipped the crap out of her wings. :( very emotional for sure probably more for me. Ive decided that wont ever happen again! EVER. The reason we dont take her outside, is, we go out there to smoke away from her. She does go outside when we are not smoking with her harness on. But when shes chewing on the window sill is when we slip out to smoke :rolleyes: so I have moved her tree stand further away from the sill so prevent her from climbing down on it and its stopped it (for now) I hope Marco's doesnt last very long either. For whatever reason, shes nippy with me but nothing to break the skin, however my friend and hubby (who she responds well to normally) are taking the brunt of her nips with broken skin and bleeding :( heck she crawled over the top of my friend while he was sleeping and promptly woke him up with a bite to his hand :eek: she just beaks me more aggressively then before and she has taken to not wanting to let go of my finger when I go to put her on her stand or something and tries to pull it upward to bite it! But its not every time and not every day and regardless shes still spoiled and my pretty pretty girl :D

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aerial2000 Terrible two's for sure! No big deal! Routine, consistency, on everyone's part! Give it six months! If you are consistent, I promise you, you will have an "AMAZING" bird when you are done. Don't get sucked up into the " guilt" world! I LOVE Sophie... but I don't let her EVER make me feel guilty. If she trims herself to much, I tell her to " stop!" She looks good! She does stop. Nancy

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It's great to hear from you and Marco. She has been such a sweet lil baby with you from the start. You are doing a great job with her and obviously she is a big part of your life. I would love to know what she thinks of the tattoo, did se react to the change? Did the artist do it all at the same time or gradually over many visits? It certainly does keep her with you always and us very well done.

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OOOOOh funny story....


The tat was done in 1 sitting took bout 1.5 hours and we drove from KS to Missouri (bout 5 hours away) to get it done. The same guy who has been doing ALL my tats for years. When I got home after it was all healed I showed Marco and she licked the beak on the tattoo and I started to giggle at her. She does the same thing when I hold her up to the mirror and say "Whos that?" she'll lick the mirror. I dont know how well they can see or what have you as far as to be able to distinguish that its a pic of her or another bird on my arm but I think she saw "something" for sure.


I love her to PIECES !!!!!!!!!!!! Shes taken quite the liking to bossing the animals round. Guess you dont realize how much you say something until it comes out of her beak then ya think OH MAN I do say that alot. Its usually Toby head down Toby go outside Toby get down Toby lay down Toby go potty shes got them all covered. (Can you tell we have a new puppy named Toby?) :rolleyes: :D

It's great to hear from you and Marco. She has been such a sweet lil baby with you from the start. You are doing a great job with her and obviously she is a big part of your life. I would love to know what she thinks of the tattoo, did se react to the change? Did the artist do it all at the same time or gradually over many visits? It certainly does keep her with you always and us very well done.
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