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Update on our new baby


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We are having so much fun in our house with our new Grey. Oisin has been here for 2 weeks now and we love 'him' dearly!


This bird is officially my husbands bird and I am supposed to stay away from him, easier said than done! As hubby is gone all day, I have to let him out for little cuddles now and then don't I?? Liath my other Grey LOVES him, but unfortunately the feeling isnt mutual. He nips at her so we are being really really careful.


Funny though the reason my husband wanted a Grey was because Liath HATED him. Now she is crawling all over him. She is still afraid of his hands though unless they have a treat in them.


Training wise, he knows to poop on the stand already (Oisin, not my husband!), but like Liath he isnt shy about pooping everywhere else as well!



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Yes thanks for the update on Oisin, Soibhan, and glad to hear it is going great at your house now, and yes they will poop anywhere and everywhere.:pinch:


Thats so funny that Liath would have nothing to do with your husband and now she is all over him.:laugh:


We are always glad to get new members with a good sense of humor.:laugh:

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I guess when you own greys you have to have a sense of humour:unsure: . I mean most people wouldnt find it funny to have a pet trying to drown out your voice when you are on the phone, a pet constantly asking you for their dinner, and reminding you that they need to step up etc. Or worse laughing at you at the most inappropriate times. I was walking in to the dining room yesterday and spilled my cup of tea, EVERYWHERE! I was not happy and Liath laughed of course!

Then when I was cleaning it up she kept asking "whatcha doing?". Talk about rubbing salt in the wounds!!

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