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Addvice on new perch thing?

timmy t parrot

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When I got Timber's play stand, I had to put it right beside his cage. After a few days of giving it the stink eye, he got curious and checked it out. It often takes time, sometimes a lot of time, for them to accept something new. I have bought toys that he wouldn't touch for six months.


I also used lures to get him to get on the playstand. Like putting a peanut where he couldn't quite reach it without putting a foot on the stand etc.


In my experience, Timmy's reaction isn't unusual at all for a grey.

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Use a ladder, perch or rope to connect Timmy's cage to the new perch. Then put toys and treats near it, but still on his cage. As he gets more confident, put things where he would have to reach onto the new perch and eventually where he has to stand on the new perch stand. It may take some time or he may suddenly decide fun things happen on his new perch. We just got one that looks just like yours. We have had Gilbert three years. She is still frightened if I move it while she is on it. Another thing that helps is to cover that shiny pan with whatever you use to line his cage. We use newspaper or sometimes paper towels on the floor stand.

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Something like that, I think I'd just make part of the furniture. Literally. I'd try putting near a sofa or chair that gets a good bit of use & use it like a coffee table. You know how they love to get into things you leave around...?!? Maybe try leaving "bird bait" like paper cups, napkins, book, etc on it. Then just wait him out. Whatever else you do, totally act like you don't want him on it any more than any other furniture in the room.

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Some greys like toys, some don't. Sophie is a " shredder", preferring to destroy anything paper. She doesn't like the wooden toys we buy her, BUT... she LOVES when Sean comes home from hunting camp, and he has found her a " cherry tree", that he cut down. Of course, we have to clean it... then.... she is interested. I'm sure, she is only interested, because Sean brought it home for her. Sean is the BEST! I wonder, if I bought her a wooden toy, and told her, " Sean found this for you"... what would her reaction be? Nancy

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I'm by no means an expert, having only had a Grey for 2 years now. But, here is my advice for what I have seen as a 100% foolproof way to get your Grey to go on any new surface:

1. Place a laptop computer on new playstand. Tell Timmy, "This is a computer, it is not for birds."

2. Place important mail on the playstand. Tell Timmy, "This is mail. Do not touch it."

3. Place your bowl of cereal on the playstand. Tell Timmy, "This is mine. Your food is in your dish."

After you select one of the three choices above, turn your back and walk 3-5 ft away. Your little darling will be on the playstand destroying/devouring all the things that are off-limits to him.

I have a different but similar method that works for dogs. Only you use bacon ... or a freshly baked loaf of bread that is cooling.

Good luck!

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