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Greyt news!!!!


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I almost could not believe this. I had to look at it twice.....


Two weeks ago, I borrowed the money from the generator fund to file the application for 501©(3) status.


Our garage sale (first fundraiser) started today. We are hoping to raise the money towards the filing fee to repay the generator fund. My husband came down stairs after I'd been out there for a while setting up and went out to check the mail while I went to put the sign along the road that borders the side of our property.


I heard a "WOOOO HOOOO!!!" really loud and wondered what he was going on about.


A few minute later, he walks over to me and he said, with a straight voice, (evidently not realizing I heard the earlier outburst) and says "Well, when you get a letter from the IRS this quick, you just know it has to be bad news..." (trying to make me believe we'd been rejected). He then handed me the Letter of Determination which reads:



We're pleased to tell you we determined you're exempt from federal income tax under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 501©(3). Donors can deduct contributions they make to you under IRC Section 170. You're also qualified to receive tax deductible bequests, devises, transfers or gifts under Section 2055, 2106, or 2522. This letter could help resolve questions on your exempt status. Please keep it for your records.


There was more but that is the important part. YAY!!!!! I am so happy! And in TWO WEEKS! I am still in shock! Answer to my prayers!

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Fantastic!!! That is great news and now you can rock and roll in the fund raising department. Have you given though to online fund raising sites, like http://www.gofundme.com/tour/ or some of the others? I've had friends with good success with those when starting a 501©3. Also, be sure to check out Amazon.com's Amazon Smile program, where people who order from Amazon can choose you as their charity and you will get a small donation each time someone orders who names you as their organization. You might already know all of this stuff from researching, but just thought I'd mention it just in case :) So excited for you!

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Congratulations, you must be very organized with an angel on each shoulder. I have never heard of a positive outcome that quickly.


I attribute it to prayer and that new 1023EZ form - SO much easier to complete and I am betting a lot easier for them to review. Thanks!

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Fantastic!!! That is great news and now you can rock and roll in the fund raising department. Have you given though to online fund raising sites, like http://www.gofundme.com/tour/ or some of the others? I've had friends with good success with those when starting a 501©3. Also, be sure to check out Amazon.com's Amazon Smile program, where people who order from Amazon can choose you as their charity and you will get a small donation each time someone orders who names you as their organization. You might already know all of this stuff from researching, but just thought I'd mention it just in case :) So excited for you!


We got an Amazon donation account but I am not sure how to get involved with the Smiles thing. I will tell my hubby about that - he's the one who set up the Amazon account. I have set up a GoFundMe page but am waiting to hear back from support. They are adding us to their approved charities list. I hope this will give donors more confidence that we are legit and not just someone trying to scam some money. I have heard a lot of that lately, especially since that woman pulled that stunt lying about KFC and raising all that money. I think every time something like that happens it causes grief for legitimate causes because people become suspect about everything.

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