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What does YOUR grey do on command?


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I sat down and took stock of what Brutus will do on command and he does really well (I think). He steps up, flies to anywhere you ask him to, raises his wings, turns around, clucks like a chicken, makes a laser gun sound, flies to your hand, flips on his back, and flies particular patterns via command. What he doesn't do well is, he is not willing to step up except in the morning and in the evening. He will just bow his head abruptly and refuse if he doesn't feel like it. Also, unless he is really tired, if you make any motion over his head, like you are going to put your hand on his back he spooks and flies away. At night I can do this when i put him in has cage, but he is wise to control actions. He also reads energy really well and knows what you are thinking about doing, especially if it is a controlling type action.


What kinds of things does your bird do on command?

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Megan steps up when I ask her to, most of the time. She will shake, wave and kiss if there is a treat involved. Peck steps up when I ask, as do all the other birds including the two new ones, except Ariel, the lovebird and Anya, the budgie. The green cheeked conures will all "go back" and "go the playroom" when asked to do so. Some birds step up on a stick only (Aria, Auna, Lora, Peck, Rasa and Jack) others do on stick or hand. Maks, Megan, Alex and especially Peck are pretty reliably recall trained. Peck blows me a kiss most nights. I sing him a lullaby, standing very close to him and he 'sings' along, and when I am done, I tell him goodnight and I love him and make a kissing sound and he makes the sound back. Not really on command, but on cue, lol.

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HRH gives the commands! :) Upon request, she will recall, step up or down, hop onto the scale, position herself for beak and talon buffing, hop into her carrier, and move to a perch inside of her home while I clean it and change out dishes if I need to get those done quickly. Otherwise she just hangs out while I do that. She will also step from her cage top onto the door for me so that I can pick her up from the door. She gives me high fours, and when asked, "how many" knows two and four reliably, and one and three a decent percentage of the time.


I will "Go get the cookie." "Take me out/up/there." "Get the water." " Go cook the cookies." :D

Edited by Inara
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Misty will not be commanded. He will step up from anywhere and at any time and he will fly to me if I show him the water spray but otherwise most of the orders come from him. Like "Tickle tickle" "Water" "Orange" (Give me a taste of the fruit or veg you are preparing). "Stoppit" (Give me some of your dinner or give me a treat from the treat box) and "Can I come out" (Open the cage door) and "It's Bed time NOW!" I am happy with that. :)


Steve n Misty

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Sophie also, does nothing on command! We've been together, too long... but know babies or a rescue, need to learn the commands. Its part of developing the trusting relationship!

Of course I can go to her room, but my finger up and she steps up. I use to practice stepup, stepdown and had to vocalize. We are past that now. I don't have to " command" anything!

I DO have to say... she has put herself to bed for years after our bedtime story. Lately, I have found her in my bed... before I have closed birdroom. I know what thats about... she wants to be with Sean 24/7. He is one door away, and she has learned to get there in 30 seconds or less! His door is closed... so I am a close second! Nancy

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I am still in the camp that takes commands. There are certain requests that may give the appearance that Miss Gilbert is willing to accommodate me. I have no illusions, when I tell her its bed time or to go inside because I am leaving the house visitors are quite impressed. But the truth is, she is hustling her little feathered tail to get inside the second I stand up or walk toward her.

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Isaac does a few cute things on...well...command. If I say 'Google'...he makes the sound of the Google Now application acknowledging the request....then I can ask, "What is the weather like"...and then he does the response sound as well. It is one of his favorite things to do....to ring and make sounds like my Android phone. (I have an iPhone now...and he is getting all those too) He also plays a good game of peek-a-boo and says it back. If I kiss him on his back....he goes "Woooooooo" like an owl. Finally...if I tell him he is beautiful...he does a wolf whistle sound. Do note that I do not use food as motivation in any of these....it is his unadulterated playful nature. :)


Since that is the case....I can't really say that I "command" Isaac in any way. Let's call them requests. :)

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They are all so adorable, and they sooo want to please and be part of our life.We are all proud mama's and papa's. Of course, when Sophie is naughty... and she is... I tell Sean " you need to talk to your bird!" He laughs and laughs! He comments " I'm only home for the summer!" He LOVES the fact that I " confuse" ownership when she is bad .LOL! I LOVE teasing Sean. Nancy

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They are all so adorable, and they sooo want to please and be part of our life.We are all proud mama's and papa's. Of course, when Sophie is naughty... and she is... I tell Sean " you need to talk to your bird!" He laughs and laughs! He comments " I'm only home for the summer!" He LOVES the fact that I " confuse" ownership when she is bad .LOL! I LOVE teasing Sean. Nancy


That's funny because when my husband calls and I start off with "Your bird....." he knows she's done something bad. LOL. When she's good she's "our baby girl" LOL

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Opi will make a water drip sound when I say "what is water?". She will raise her hand to wave 'hi' and will dodge my fingers when I say "i'm gonna git your beak!" and then when I grab her beak she's started replying (in a funny voice that I do) "oh! you got me, lemme go!" and when she sees me with any treats at all she will spin around and make the clicker sound on her own. She's a beggar!


Seems every day she figures out something new to melt my heart. Now, if only my Amazon, Hilo would take a treat from my hand... he hates me.

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