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Goodbye Cocoa, Hello Kilaya


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Kilaya is sooo young! She can never replace Cocoa. All her behavior is normal! It may take up until three years for her " brattiness" to change. You have to decide if you are willing to commit....or rehome now, while she is young. I don't want another grey, but would be willing to help you rehome if thats what you decide. Kins5453@gmail.com Nancy

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That's a cute little sweater Kilaya is wearing. Is it cool/cold where you live? I might find one for our birds as I plan to have them in the aviary when it cools off around here and that might help extend their outside time. Maybe a hair-brained idea but I'm going with it.


It's a hoodie, not a sweater. He wears it during the morning hike.


Loved the videos! How is Kilaya doing with your wife? Has the situation improved?


Less biting now. My wife is keeping a distance from him.

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You guys have raised so many different types of birds that I'm pretty sure you'll make it work if it's at all possible. Coco didn't come out of the box awesome. She had some help. :)


You've still got some time to work w/him. But if this just turns out to be the wrong bird at the wrong time, then he's still young enough to be rehomed w/o anymore trauma than if he was leaving the breeder. And I know you'll be able to find him a fantastic home given how many awesome birdy people you know.


Just please promise you won't give up on parrots, okay? You guys are too fantastic at being parronts & overall, it has given you way too much joy.

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The biting still continues. He only picks on my wife. Keeping a distance is the only way to avoid painful bites.

If I happen to give up Kilaya, I will only stick with my small parrots, cockatiels and green cheek conures. They are much easier to take care. No worry about them destroying the house.


This is a recall by using a whistle. Should he gets out one day, he would be able to track me by listening to the whistle.


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  • 3 weeks later...
The biting still continues. He only picks on my wife. Keeping a distance is the only way to avoid painful bites.

If I happen to give up Kilaya, I will only stick with my small parrots, cockatiels and green cheek conures. They are much easier to take care. No worry about them destroying the house.


This is a recall by using a whistle. Should he gets out one day, he would be able to track me by listening to the whistle.



Is that a recent video? He's just a baby. He may well get over the biting thing. Megan used to bite me every chance she got when she was that age. It took lots of work, but I am stubborn. Far more stubborn than 450 grams of feathered attitude. She is crazy for pine nuts. She'll do anything to get one. So I became the only person who was allowed to give them to her. She figured out really quickly if she made me want to stay away (by biting) that the pine nuts stayed away also. She still bites me on occasion but nothing compared to what she did when she was a baby. It looks like you have an incredibly smart bird there. I'd recommend hanging in there and just working patiently. He will come around. The smarter ones tend to be more willful, but once they realize that has negative consequences, they back off. Best of luck to you, your wife and your lovely Grey.

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Is that a recent video? He's just a baby. He may well get over the biting thing. Megan used to bite me every chance she got when she was that age. It took lots of work, but I am stubborn. Far more stubborn than 450 grams of feathered attitude. She is crazy for pine nuts. She'll do anything to get one. So I became the only person who was allowed to give them to her. She figured out really quickly if she made me want to stay away (by biting) that the pine nuts stayed away also. She still bites me on occasion but nothing compared to what she did when she was a baby. It looks like you have an incredibly smart bird there. I'd recommend hanging in there and just working patiently. He will come around. The smarter ones tend to be more willful, but once they realize that has negative consequences, they back off. Best of luck to you, your wife and your lovely Grey.


Kilaya seldom bites my wife now. He only bites once in awhile. My wife doesn't look so upset now as she has accepted the fact that Kilaya is not Cocoa.

It looks likely Kilaya is going to stay with us.

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With children I have heard that the one who is the most rebellious will later in life be the closest and bring the most joy. I am so very happy to hear your wife is getting a respite from naughty little parrot bites. It must make your lives exponentially more pleasant. Kilaya is a very good model for your photography. It's beautiful the way you capture her spirit.

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With children I have heard that the one who is the most rebellious will later in life be the closest and bring the most joy. I am so very happy to hear your wife is getting a respite from naughty little parrot bites. It must make your lives exponentially more pleasant. Kilaya is a very good model for your photography. It's beautiful the way you capture her spirit.


It wasn't that easy to capture his photos. He moves a lot. Have to be quick.

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Beautiful birds! I know she is not doing anything interesting, but the fact that she tolerates the other birds, is amazing! I got Sophie at age two, so I missed out on the " learning experience". I loved her from the start, but preferred the years of three to four. She could reason and think, her vocabulary grew by leaps and bounds, and what was most important, she could empathize. She was the Matriarch of the family, and cared about all of us including the dogs.

When we lost Zoey my pup several months ago, she knew I was in mourning, and just sat on my shoulder saying " awwww Rom" Rubbing her beak over and over. She knew. Who would think a bird could help you with your grief? Nancy

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Greys are amazing. I prefer a mature grey too after having Cocoa for 5 over years. I miss those years.

kilaya usually stayed in the cage when I went out to feed the birdies in the aviary. My wife is afraid to handle Kilaya. That's why I took him along to the aviary and also I want him to socialize with other birds. He is aggressive towards smaller birds. Cocoa could tolerate smaller birds.

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"This is a recall by using a whistle. Should he gets out one day, he would be able to track me by listening to the whistle."


Great idea! That sure would have come in handy when Brutus got out. I got him back but those were three days he was gone were difficult.



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You shouldnt expect Kilaya to except other birds until she trusts and accepts you. That is a first! Once she trusts one person, then you let her know to trust and respect another person. That would be your wife. Its a dynamo experience. Sophie learned to love all of us, we worked on open cage concept last. She was exposed to all birds of different origins, but our expectations of her, were after we could reason with her. Nancy

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I swear the 2nd time Kilaya flew at the camera, I felt talons grabbing my hair. lol


He's such a beautiful boy. Love the body language. So full of wonder about everything around him. So sweet!



Maybe it's time to take a step back, find some patience & just love on him for a while. Kilaya can't frustrate you if you don't expect anything from him [...time honored rescue parronting defense mechanism].


But if you keep being patient & keep asking nicely, you'll eventually get all the important stuff worked out [...time honored rescue parront's reward!].

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