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Goodbye Cocoa, Hello Kilaya


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Kilaya has been biting and attacking my wife since he has grown up. He flies to my wife like he flies to me. But somehow after awhile he would bite her, and to the extend of attacking. My wife tried to be nice offering him treats but it could not work. He would turn nasty after awhile. He would fly to my wife on recall but I just don't understand why he bites. I can feel the disappointment and frustration in my wife. My wife had spent hours a day with him when he was a baby. We thought he is going to be a family bird like Cocoa. He is nowhere near Cocoa in this case.


I have even thought of rehoming him. There is no point having him if my wife is not happy. Sigh ... I don't know what to do.

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Sanggay please don't rehome Kilaya, there is a reason why he bites and until you find it out he may continue to do so. He is completely different from Cocoa, after all each grey is an individual, there are traits they all share but in the end each will behave and react differently, don't compare Kilaya to Cocoa, they are two different birds. He is very young at this point and much too early to make a hasty decision, you have plenty of time to work with him in the coming months and years to come to understand him but the main thing is not to compare him to Cocoa, he will never be like her, he is Kilaya.

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I was kind of shocked how different they can be. GreycieMae is nothing like Odie, my first Grey. They share a grey color and red tail, other than that their personalities are like night and day.


We have had three now. Megan, the high-strung, bitey diva, Marden, the puppy in a bird's body, and Peck, the practical joker who knows he's smarter than his human housemates. They are truly all so very different.

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I understand that they are both different in character and personality. The reason to get Kilaya is to help my wife and I to heal our hearts after Cocoa was gone. But Kilaya is not doing the job. If we had 2 greys, that would be a different story. We want a lovely grey not an aggressive grey. I never expected a handraised grey would behave like this. I saw how Kilaya going after my wife this morning. He was like a mad bird trying to bite her fingers. He would not hesitate to attack her arm or face. Instead of helping my wife to forget Cocoa, now she miss her even more. Maybe, I made a wrong decision of getting another parrot. Should have listened to my wife, NO MORE PARROTS after Cocoa passed.

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Hand-raised means nothing. My sweetest birds are my parent-raised grandbabies. Perhaps you can try to figure out what is precipitating the bite. How old is Kilaya? Could this be hormonal behavior? If so, the sweet bird comes right back once the hormones go away. There are many ways to work around this. Please don't give up on the bird just yet. Try some behavioral modification and see if that will work. Megan bit the daylights out of me on almost a daily basis at first. And these were aggressive lunge bites, often breaking skin and drawing blood. It took a LOT of work, but bites are very rare. She learned, and most of all *I* learned what not to do to get bitten. Feel free to email me at deeATavianrefugeDOTorg (spelled out phonetically to keep spam-bots from harvesting it - turn the AT to an @ the DOT to a . ) if you continue to have problems with this.

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How old is Kilaya now? I'm not much for re-homing for but in this case, if he's young enough it would be like he's moving on to his adult flock. Not much trauma if at all provided you can find a really good family for him (i.e. make sure he likes whomever you will place him with). Then I would stick with the wife's advice - no more parrots. From what I've read of your first bird, you had a 1-in-million bird and there aren't many that will live up to that standard.


I went on an 8 month quest to replace a Jardines we lost because we were sick to death the way we lost her. Her 'replacement' of course is nothing like her although he shares traits that are particular to all Jardines. However he's turned into the orneriest bitey little turd if he doesn't get his way. Didn't expect that but we love him, he has other good qualities which we never saw in our other Jardines.

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Kilaya is less than 4 months old. He is fine with me. I am not sure why he bites my wife. It was so frustrating when a sweet baby has suddenly turned into a bitey bird at such a tender young age. There were no bites these 2 days. My wife tried to avoid having contact with him. He still flies to my wife. I would take him away to prevent him from biting.


It is not an easy decision to make to rehome him. I have thought less of Cocoa with him around. I will see how it goes.

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