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Bath and shower


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Dave put together a nice couple of threads on this:


Bathing method 1


Bathing method 2


I tried to spray her but she screaming and trying to bite the spray bottle..

Once I tried to put her inside the sink while the water is gently fall down, she screamed too.

about the method 2 that you put a link, is it really okay? as I understood I have to put her body inside the water even if she doesn't like it.. she won't "hate" me or something after that? and how should I do it? she would bite my hands..

You got videos that may help me? or could you explain me please?

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I don't know about how to get a fighting Grey into a sink, but I have one suggestion. I know others say use cold water and I always did with my birds and they hated the bath/shower/spray. Until one day I tried it with warm water. Now it didn't make too much difference to my Sun Conure, but my TAG changed almost immediately. Now, he still doesn't love the shower, but doesn't yell or fight me at all and tolerates the shower until I take him out - even letting me raise his wings to make sure his back gets soaked. He doesn't play and raise his own wings as others do, but at least it is not a terrible ordeal either.

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With Timber, the spray sometimes encourages a bath. Once in awhile, after the spraying, he will go to his water bowl and start splashing around. That is my hint to get the glass baking dish, put a couple inches of water in it, and set it in the bottom of the cage. He will go immediately to the dish and bathe. For birds like Timber, timing is everything. I can put that dish in there every day, and until he decides he wants a bath, it just sits there.

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Always, always make sure you reward her with a super yummy treat immediately when you put her into the sink, and then immediately when you are done. Only use this "special" treat for bath/shower. Be sure to use a happy voice, and relax your own body before, during, and after so that she can feel you are "no big deal" about it all. Be consistent. Remember, to our birds sometimes things that they do not like are akin to us "working." Most of us don't work for free, but we do get motivated by a paycheck :D So give her a good paycheck, and over time her attitude should change.


You can start, by treating her as you hold her above the sink. Do this a few times, without putting her into the sink. Then treat her while you hold her above the sink, then after you put her into the sink (no water). Take her out and treat her again, using lots of happy talk. Practice this daily for several days, then change to just a little bit of water in the sink when you set her down, and be sure to *immediately* treat her when her little toes get wet. You can figure it out from here, as to when to start increasing water and adding in the shower. Then over time just decrease the treats to just at the sink, and after her shower. Then eventually just after her shower. :)


PS: I'm not a bird trainer -- am a human trainer *grin* who has worked a scrillion years with delinquent humans. They also "will work for treats," but more importantly for genuine praise and the good feeling that comes with overcoming something that seemed impossible or frightening. Patience, relaxed attitude, and consistency are the keys. (but a well placed "cookie" will go a loooong way).


EDIT: Despite even the best efforts and positive reinforcements, there are some birds who just draw the line at getting wet and will always be that way. In that case, you jsut have to grin and bear it, and bathe them when health and hygiene require it.

Edited by Inara
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I dont know if this is wrong or not but I shower with my grey, I put her on the shower floor and she runs under the water and gets out when shes done. Then I put her on top of the shower curtain rod and finish my shower. I think me being in with her makes it a fun thing for her. It works for us! ;)

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Newgreymomma, that is fine if you are using no soap or shampoo while she is under your feet. Soap or shampoo is not good for their skin and is even worse should they accidently get it into their mouths. I have tried with my birds, but I guess they don't like my naked self!! LOL

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