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My amazon does not really play or move much


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How can i get my old lady amazon 32 years old to move around a little and play.

She is over weight from a seed diet only. I have taken her off the seed and is now on pellets and fruit and veggies and

home cooked meals. She will sit in one place and play with a toy but mostly just a couch potato.

I have been forcing her to sit on a swing at least and get out of her cage.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Of course i take her out and have her on my shoulder etc but that is still sitting in one spot.

2014-07-09 18.18.02.jpg

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What is your amazon's name? I recently acquired a 33 year old Blue Front Amazon named Lulu. She is quiet like your zon. Lulu is a good eater and luckily her owners who got her when she was 2 have had her on a good diet and she is healthy and weight appropriate. Unfortunately they did not interact with Lulu very much and she is not much of a talker and does not fly. She has launched herself off her cage at least once to follow my three other parrots who are all excellent flyers. Hopefully they will encourage Lulu to try and fly more.


I do perch Lulu on my arm and launch her off toward a hanging perch or a couch to cause her to flap her wings and at least exercise them some in anticipation of future flight. Hopefully this exercising will help Lulu to be able to fly vrey soon. I can only hope.

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First I would like to say is that Rosita looks great.

When My zon Cricket came to me she was very over weight and on a all seed diet and could not fly and was kept in a very small cage.

The first thing is we put her on a better diet just like you did with Rosita and next it was a very large cage.

After Cricket started to come of of her cage she would climb and walk every where all the time. She would never fly much, but she could fly when she had too.

Her weight came down to 400 gr and that's where it stayed and that was a good weight for her.

We have a large log cabin with 5 bedrooms on two levels and she walked every inch of it and would climb the steps and when she was on the balcony and saw me she would launch of the railing and fly to me and land on my shoulder. She was happy with that and so was I.

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Some great suggestions so far and another idea would be to offer her food in areas she would have to walk or climb to like a stand or the top of her cage. Try letting her see you placing some treats in a shallow pan with a medium to dig through to find her goodies, foraging toys from would be a viable option as well. There is a reason Amazons are know as Parrot couch potato's.

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