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hello from me and timmy

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hi to every one


just thought id say hello from me and my African gray parrot Timmy hes a year old born on Halloween some times he can be a terror.


few examples are attacking me when my mum goes near him to his one time run in with a pint of lager (a party were he escaped his cagge and climbed on to my pint glass that was on the table next to his cage and he had a sip and deiced he liked the feel of the glass then the lager).

Unplugging my modem from the phone line.

and laughing every times he poops and it splats in his cage or when he gets it in my shirt pocket.


the two reasons iam here is the removal of his main flight feathers (i think) he ounly ever pulls 2 out and no others (well except when grooming of course.)

and a hiss he seems to do iam not sure were he got it from but he will sit on my shoulder and when i say things like timmy its time for bed he will hiss at me is this some thing hes larned or a parrot warning.


Hi again from tom and timmy

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Welcome to the forum, Timmy sounds like a good buddy to you. I have to say I was expecting a Timneh African Grey, and happily surprised to see he is a Congo African Grey. As far as attacking you when your mum comes near, he probably sees you as "his". If he sees her as an intruder and can't get close enough to bite her and send her packing, he could be taking tht frustration out on the only object he can reach, which at that moment was you. My little grey would bite me if something startled her, only because it was instinct and I was in reach.

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thanks for the welcome,

well i didn't know he was a Congo African Grey he was originally my brothers but work means he spends very little time at home and timmy bonded with me what makes it funny is when iam not around he will go to my mother and be nice to her till she touches him.


he loves watching tv lied on his back normally while i stroke his belly or while he fills is water dish with dryed fruit or seeds and then throws them at the dogs its funny because he will call them when they leave the room.

A girl i was going out with said that a parrot is a bit like having a child but parrots are better behaved.

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From what I understand, an African grey will molt flight feathers symmetrically, one on each side in the same position. It keeps them balanced in flight. They might molt a bunch of down feathers all at one and you will know it when your room looks like snow. A molted flight feather should look hollow, clear and blunt at the tip similar to the look of a quill pen. If he is plucking a healthy feather, it might have tissue or a bloody tip. Some parrots "barber" or chew. Then you might see half a feather without the thick, hollow shaft, just bitten off. It seems as if Timmy chose you to be his beloved. Your brother and mum may be part of his family flock but they don't get the same privileges as you. Be aware that this can change as he gets older and he may reach a place in maturity when he doesn't want you to touch him either. He also may stay just as bonded and approachable and relaxed with you as he is today. A Congo African Grey (CAG) has a black beak and a bright red tail. A Timneh African Grey (TAG) is a little smaller and has a beak with a creamy area surrounded by black. The TAG has a deeper red to maroon color tail. If you look at my avatar, Gilbert is a TAG. Below on luvparrot's response is Ana Grey and she is a TAG as well.

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