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Does your Grey Share?


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Lately, Pancho (the Panama Amazon) has been climbing over to Brutus' cage and playing with his toys. I was a little nervous when he did this, but it just looked like Brutus did not see him. At least that is what I thought until one time Brutus was in his cage and Pancho came over, and Brutus just ignored him as Pancho made himself at home and played with a wooden toy. I guess Brutus was sharing? Do your birds do this? Right now Pancho is chilling on Brutus' cage, and Brutus is on Jimpster's cage, and Jimpster is on Pancho's cage. Musical cages!

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My parrots go into each other cages, but never when the owner is in it. The parrots see the other and their cage and seem to be alright with it. All I have to say is "get out of there" and the culprit immediately gets out. They also come to me for treats always Ana Grey, tag, first then Sterling Gris, cag. The zons wait for me to give them treats. they are more polite. My gang do have a pecking order.

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Megan and Mar were clutch mates and would often go together into either cage. They usually went together though. Rarely did one go to one cage and the other to another. Peck and Megan are still keeping their distance, although they are co-existing on the kitchen play stand, which is small. Alex and Maks are a bonding pair who *used* to have separate cages - Alex being a sun conure and Maks being a cockatiel, I never had the idea to mix them thinking they wouldn't get along. Haha. They, however, had other plans. Alex is gay. He was having a torrid affair (yes, that kind of affair) with Conner, the male green cheek conure who fathered my grandbirdies. Conner decided to go straight once spring came and it was time to make babies. Conner died in what we believe to be a tragic accident. Alex mourned for a while and then began slowly making up to Maks. Suddenly, they both started going in the same cage, and even eating simultaneously out of the same bowls. Sometimes Alex would go in Maks's cage, but often they would go in Alex's which was slightly bigger. If I tried to separate them, they would raise such a racket that I ended up putting them back in the same cage. Finally I gave up and got them this: http://www.wayfair.com/AandE-Cage-Co.-Small-Split-Level-House-Bird-Cage-with-Divider-PC-4226D-AEC1021.html - it works perfectly. Once in a great while, Maks will get hateful and I will 'send him to his room' by putting the divider in, but overall they are together most of the time. They preen each other (more Alex preening Maks), share toys, treats, food from the same bowls, and space on my shoulder. (Because Maks can't sit on the OTHER shoulder - he has to be wedged between Alex and my face). The green cheeks also share but they are a family - mama and three offspring. Even our budgies have been sharing a cage. I let them out in the playroom and inevitably find both in one cage even though the front is open and they could be anywhere in the room. I, for one, am glad the sharing thing seems to have caught on because it is easier on me than trying to be a referee!

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My parrots are a lot lot Luvparrots flock. They do go and eat food in each others cages but only when the owner is out and to watching! I let them. They also have a pecking order. They do not share at all, but will patiently wait their turn for treats ect.

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My Grey and my Sun have the same cage - they don't live in the same cage, just the cages are the same LOL. My Grey will continually go into my Sun's cage and eat and sometimes the Sun will be in there too. But, the Sun has never even tried to go into the Grey's cage!! I really think he would be dead if he tried. But, they both wait their turns when they are on my shoulders and I am giving out treats. They have never tried to push out the other one. I just love it.

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