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Keeping the Toys Fun


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So here is something that I have noticed about my little guy over time. I have bought toys, toys and more toys.....but my boy only likes to play when I am home....then he gets at cups, bowls...he seems to have an affinity for Tupperware and things of that sort. I will place items up in the cabinets and allow him to seek them out to toss them on the floor. He was trying to do this to my glasses in the cabinets...so I figured I would just give in and let him play in the cabinets on one side of the kitchen...and lock the other ones shut. LOL. (Have I spoiled him?)


Now currently, I am trying to build other kinds of toys....he seems to have burned out on breaking up the wooden toys I rotate in and out and new ones aren't cutting it for him either. I come home and he is always perched in a familiar area...seeming like he is waiting for me. I often hear him singing, hooting and making noises when I am coming home....but I want him to have some fun in his cage. I am trying to use some toy supplies to make stuff out of plastic bottle caps, Tupperware lids...etc....but could use some ideas for what you do to keep them entertained while yer away. Pitch away the ideas...and I thank you for any help. Cheers!

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One of Ales's favorite toys when I am not home is the roll of adding machine paper hanging in his cage. You can get a dozen rolls from amazon for just a few dollars and each one lasts a few days. I got the idea from someone who posted it on the forum. Do you have a swing in the cage? They both like to swing and hang and climb all over it since it moves around.

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One of Ales's favorite toys when I am not home is the roll of adding machine paper hanging in his cage. You can get a dozen rolls from amazon for just a few dollars and each one lasts a few days. I got the idea from someone who posted it on the forum. Do you have a swing in the cage? They both like to swing and hang and climb all over it since it moves around.


Definitely going top be tried out. Thank you for this suggestion...love it!

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Old metal measuring spoons might be indestructible and would made a soft clanging sound. My cag also loves to swing on his cage swing.


LOL...I got out such a set of spoons...and he is actually playing with them right now. Gonna hang them in the cage after (and if) he gets done playing with them..

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Megan is a shredder. She loves that 'shredding tape'- we used to buy it and try to incorporate it into toys. Now we just hang the 'roll' in her cage and let her go to town. Peck loves those birdie bagel toys. I think his favorite is called Olympic Rings. He also likes to shred the paper at the bottom of the cage, so I keep it changed, sometimes several times a day.


I also make them goodie bags using paper lunch sacks and wrapping small treats like almonds in the shell, pistachios in the shell, foot toys, etc. in toilet paper then putting them and shredded gift bag papers in the bag and weaving the top through the bars. Keeps them busy ripping the bag open and then unwrapping and throwing paper everywhere.


We also use the computer to play videos while we are gone. I have several videos saved that play for them. All of the videos of Marnie the Ringneck parrot from YouTube. I also have an hour-long mp3 I made with layers of bird sounds. It sounds like a noisy jungle except I didn't get too correct with what bird is from where. Some sounds are N. American songbirds, some sounds are parrots, some are other birds. But it sure gets the birds going when it is playing. The sound really seems to help keep them occupied.

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