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Feather plucking it pruning, update


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Hi everyone, an update since my last post on my boy Sid,

Unfortunately I can not produce pictures as he will not for the life of me let me take one as it is of he's back under he's wings. I was concerned that he was over pruning and created balled patches on he's back. I took him to a vets who said to maybe change he's diet ect.. He said there's nothing you more you can do and that 7 out of 10 parrots will do this out if habbit?! I've felt like I've done something wrong but I know he's happy and healthy. Even the vet at first asked what was wrong with him as he looked perfectly fine and was chatting away, surprisingly it being he's first time at the vets.


Anyway I done abit of researching and found a product called kings cages pluck no more. I was cautious at first but after reading the reviews on it and me being desperate for him to stop pruning so much I took the plunge and brought a bottle for £40!! But I'm so glad I did because since using it he has stopped pruning so much an he's feathers are growing back!!! I could not believe it within 4 weeks it started to work and Sid seems so much more relaxed and less irritable as you can imagine it got quite sore him pruning so much.

I'm so happy with the results I just had to share. I hope no one minds me posting here. Thanks xxxx

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Hi Fay, how great that Sid is settling down with regard to the feather business. It is always worrisome when there is a behavior change that is unexpected. Better, though when your vet checked Sid out. So glad that the spray is having good results and am filing the name of it away for future reference. Thanks for the update! ps: loved the photo of you and sid in the ower thread. You make a lovely pair.

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The product is such a small bottle and very expensive but well worth it! It works by you adding it to their drinking water and using it as a spray (I just kept to putting it in he's water) you also have to stop feeding fruit & veg so they drink more which Sid wasn't happy about as he loves he's greens lol. You also have to use bottled water to increase effect. So astonished with the results. I has ordered another bottle! X ps. Thankyou Inara he is my baby boy xxx

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The product is such a small bottle and very expensive but well worth it! It works by you adding it to their drinking water and using it as a spray (I just kept to putting it in he's water) you also have to stop feeding fruit & veg so they drink more which Sid wasn't happy about as he loves he's greens lol. You also have to use bottled water to increase effect. So astonished with the results. I has ordered another bottle! X ps. Thankyou Inara he is my baby boy xxx


Yeah...I got some of the feather shine wash to start with which is an initial spray. Then 2 bottles of the Pluck No More. I hate the idea of holding back on his veggies and fruit...but Isaac is a dunker and ends up drinking a lot of water anyway. We'll see.

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The product is such a small bottle and very expensive but well worth it! It works by you adding it to their drinking water and using it as a spray (I just kept to putting it in he's water) you also have to stop feeding fruit & veg so they drink more which Sid wasn't happy about as he loves he's greens lol. You also have to use bottled water to increase effect. So astonished with the results. I has ordered another bottle! X ps. Thankyou Inara he is my baby boy xxx


As a nurse, I am leery of putting medicine or vitamins in water. You can never establish what dose has been administered that way. Many of the ingredients have toxic principals but then again, so do many modern medicines. I am going to be taking one of our new intakes in to the vet very soon. I am going to run this by her (she's a certified veterinary herbalist). Several of the ingredients are things I routinely use myself (chamomile, passion flower). I am considering furthering my education in the specialty of homeopathic medicine and herbal remedies. It's something I have done for myself for years, and I would like to know enough to safely use for the birds here.


I am definitely going to look into this. Megan has stopped plucking for now, but it may prove useful if she starts again (which I predict will occur when I begin working again).

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