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Have done everything backwards while adding old cag to 'flock'.

Pam Pam

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Kins, I keep clicking your 'thanks' tab but the tab keeps returning like I never clicked it the next time I read your post? I think I have enough information to go on for awhile. I was just 'stuck' at a point of not knowing what to do. My memory has been jogged by those reminding me birds are prey and flock animals. Now I have a plan and using it plus my own methods I think I'm good for awhile. I'll be back when I get stuck again. I'm so excited to get to start again doing things with new direction. I've been facing him straight on (wrong), giving him treats no matter what body language he was using (wrong)>he would take them, but it just dawned on me I am rewarding him for showing aggression if I give him a treat while he's being hateful! Jeff jogged that in my head. I knew that from dog training although I KNOW I can't use dog training methods on a prey animal!!! I need NO advice on the differences between dogs and birds, thanks! ha/ha


I just haven't messed with a 'new' prey animal in a long time and my brain isn't as quick to put 2 and 2 together anymore. The 'take a deep breath' advice was so appropriate for me. The doctor said stress can cause the mental disconnects (memory loss, confusion, losing things, etc.). Lord knows we have had stress these past 3 years! Death of my father, inability to financially maintain our home/land of 25 years due to losing our business when the recession started, the inevitable bankruptcy that follows losing a big business whose receivables didn't come in so they couldn't go out to our debtors, and then my husband having 4 heart surgeries plus severe diabetes. Yep, I've got a plateful of stress. Don't tell me my birds can pick up on it! I know they can and have. That's what started Asia's feather chewing.


The one place I am at peace is with them. That's what I meant when I said I'm sensitive. I've been beaten to the brink of insanity and I didn't want to come on here and have people attacking me (no one has) or pressuring me (well...got some of that at first but we are over that hump, whew) on anything.


Just please be easy with me as I don't ever want to withdraw and become a voyer>just reading and never interacting. That's what John Wayne is doing now and I have such compassion for him. I'll NOT leave him in that horrible place. I've been there/am there at times even now, and it is sooo sad and lonely a place to be. :( But because I know God has a plan for me, that He won't forsake me, I have held firm to that faith and God is always faithful to provide a peace even through all these horrible things. I am walking toward Him and not giving up or giving in. That is my only goal in life: to walk the narrow path. It keeps me hopeful, joyful, expectant, and humble. All good things come from God. So, I search for the good and keep my eyes upon that horizon. Thank you all for your time and good intentions. I've learned a lot and will keep reading. The John Wayne in me and the feathered one, too, are going to make it! :)

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Pam not all of us were born with the diplomatic gene and some of us do scan read in a hurry so may miss clues you gave us but we all love birds and will give safety advice even if it sounds aggressive sometimes. It looks like you live down the Hiway from me, must be neighbors almost. I think you are off on the right foot now and you will see progress it may be slow or JW may surprise you we all look forward to reading about his progress. Just let me know if I can help in any way, busy schedule but can make time. Pm me if you want my contact info.

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