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Ken Globus/The Bird Whisperer


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Talonsis and I went to a Ken Globus Workshop today at the Pet Exposition in West Springfield MA. It was a hands on workshop, although we chose not to bring Talon. We don’t really have any issues with her, so we didn’t feel the need to have her there. We did however, learn a lot of techniques that will be very helpful in reacting to any behavior issues that may arise. These techniques will also help my youngest son with his parakeets.

Ken really stressed the importance of the OWNERS energy level when you are handling any bird. I found that was one of the most important lessons he taught us. Also, the importance of the owner being, and maintaining (throughout the birds lifetime) the roll of being the dominant one in the relationship. He offered many techniques for overcoming biting, stepping up, and how to protect yourself from being bitten. He talked about the “Birds Hate Gloves” myth, and my favorite, “Most Birds Hate to Be Touched” myth.


I highly recommend attending his workshop if you ever have the opportunity. I know there are many critiques out there that think his techniques are rough, or that he forces the birds to do something that they don’t want to have done to them, and the birds just give in. That is not the case. I imagine that those critiques really haven’t attended a workshop, and witnessed his work. He takes birds that are unmanageable and in the time span of 10-20 minutes, has that bird stepping up, being petted, and offered to a stranger to spend time sitting with and being touched. I watched these birds that had many different issues, relax, and trust his handling of them, next he would work with the owners to teach them how to properly handle them, and the birds preferred his calm techniques more so than their owners.


Here is the link to his web site: you’ll find much more info there, as well as his upcoming workshops.



After the workshop, I thanked Ken , and told him about our forum here. He asked me to email him the link to Greyforums.net. I hope he will come here, check us out, and perhaps answer some questions we may have.

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Thanks Penny for the testimonial on Ken Globus, I would have loved to have went but I don't think he is coming anywhere near me in the immediate future, but I will keep checking. Sounds like you had a wonderful time and we look forward to hearing some of the ideas he has for some of our problems and difficulties with our greys.

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I learned so much at the workshop. I definitly agree with my mom, if you saw the difference in these birds you would be amazed. One of the things he really stressed was that you need to be confident, and have a good energy level. If your afraid the bird is gonna bite when it steps up, you'll be showing that with your movements of your hand, and body. I also noticed several things he taught us that I reconize, like Dan's fist of iron. ;)



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Great write up on Ken Talon!!


I am envious that you were able to see him "Live". His website is what helped me 7 months ago get my wild breeder Conure "Jake" to step-up finally.


Talonsis - Your absolutely right, Ken is the "Fist of Iron" originator that I shared on the "Bite me club" topic.


Did he offer any dvd videos at the exposition?


I truly hope he joins our Forum, he could give us great advice and tips on overcoming some of our unwanted Parrot behaviour. :-)

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Guest briansmum

theres nothing like that in the UK, i've searched high and low for bird fairs, or clubs that have meetings and such like and theres nothing. i would love to see him and the work he can do. i think a bunch of us UK members should arrange a meeting and ask him very nicely to come over :lol:

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Hi Penny, All,


Thanks for the kind comments. As you found out, what I do is not so easy to describe in a word or two. Unfortunately, my detractors have succeeded in scaring off many loving bird owners that can't get close to their birds. This really hurts, since it keeps them from getting the techniques that can help them. If it were just a matter of bullying birds into submission, lots of people would be able to do it. What I do is more like leading a bird to the door that leads to peace and helping it go through.


I love doing what I do. I'm just sorry that so many people are scared away by the disinformation and demonization by my detractors. I wonder if they're so vocal because what I do doesn't work.... or because it does.


I'm just going to keep plugging away. The final arbitors are the hundreds of birds I have helped gain trust and live happily with their human companions. I know that 90 to 95 % of the birds that are in rescues because of fear/aggression issues, with the right techniques, can learn to trust again. I have done it time and time again.


Thanks again for your support and I hope you all can, one day, make it to a workshop and see for yourself. You'd be amazed at how the four hours seems to fly by.


All the best,


Ken Globus


thebirdwhisperer.com<br><br>Post edited by: BirdWhisperer, at: 2007/11/07 03:51

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Thank you Ken for your reply. I am very HAPPY you have joined us here. We are a wonderful group of bird owners who are always looking for the best techniques to help with any issues that arise. We really are a family here, and I Welcome You. I hope you visit us often. We have a lot of fun here, and would love to hear from you as much as possible.

Please let us know of any upcoming workshops you may have. We have members from all over the world, and I am sure that they would love to see you in person as I did.

Best wishes,

Penny :)<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/11/07 04:12

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Welcome Ken!!


I know you are based out of southern California and I am the San Joaquin valley, however I can never find any workshops here. Do you ever have any in this state that perhaps are not shown on your website? If you do, please post them and I attend :-)


Just the information on your website helped me get a wild breeder conure I was duped into purchasing as a "Tame" bird, that was terrified of people close to his cage, much less trying to put your hand in it.


To where I was able to finally get him to start stepping up about 6 months ago after following the information on you website. I had him for 6 months before that and was just resolved to be content at enjoying his personality from a distance.


You truly work wonders where the "Conventional" wisdom fails.


Thank you for providing the great information you have on your website!!

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Hi Dan, Thanks for your support. I have nothing scheduled in So. Cal. Oddly enough, I don't do many events on the west coast. I go back east a couple times a year. I guess it's that old adage about the further you are from home, the more intelligent people think you are.


Last month I did a private session in Greece. That was the farthest I've traveled for a bird gig... and what an experience.


We're working on a documentary, but it's a long way from being finished. We shot at several workshops around the country and have some 75 hours of material. It should give a real insight into what I do.


I'll let you know when it's nearing completion. If any of you want to join my free newsletter list, drop in at my web site and sign up. I send out articles, training tips and notices about my events.


Thanks again for the support.


Ken Globus


http://www.thebirdwhisperer.com<br><br>Post edited by: BirdWhisperer, at: 2007/11/08 02:33

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