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Nilah attacked my niece


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So the other day, my grand niece came over to stay for 2 days. She is from AZ and I haven't seen her in 8 years. I warned her about Nilah as he tends to give any houseguest one binge just to see how they react. My niece is 16 yrs old, and as soon as Niiah who had been in her cage all day while I was at work came out, she flew to her shoulder and did the bite. My niece was great and didn't flinch or say anything. But then Nilah bit her ear really hard and then flew onto her hand and latched on, she was attacking her. I shooed her off, scooped her up and put her in her cage and walked away.


I have seen this behaviour wi her before on certain people. I can't pinpoint it. I wish I could understand what sets her off to do this on some people. Needless to say, she had to stay in her cage for the next 2 days because of this. So when I did finally let her out for breakfast when things were back to normal, she sat on my shoulder as I made breakfast, we shared toast and a bowl of oatmeal. She was walking on the table eating, then she marched over to me out of the blue, leaned into my forearm and bit me hard! She then flew off onto her freestanding and kept her distance to me and I did the same to her. Ugh! Amazons!!! She let me know....she was not very happy with me!!!

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So the other day, my grand niece came over to stay for 2 days. She is from AZ and I haven't seen her in 8 years. I warned her about Nilah as he tends to give any houseguest one binge just to see how they react. My niece is 16 yrs old, and as soon as Niiah who had been in her cage all day while I was at work came out, she flew to her shoulder and did the bite. My niece was great and didn't flinch or say anything. But then Nilah bit her ear really hard and then flew onto her hand and latched on, she was attacking her. I shooed her off, scooped her up and put her in her cage and walked away.


I have seen this behaviour wi her before on certain people. I can't pinpoint it. I wish I could understand what sets her off to do this on some people. Needless to say, she had to stay in her cage for the next 2 days because of this. So when I did finally let her out for breakfast when things were back to normal, she sat on my shoulder as I made breakfast, we shared toast and a bowl of oatmeal. She was walking on the table eating, then she marched over to me out of the blue, leaned into my forearm and bit me hard! She then flew off onto her freestanding and kept her distance to me and I did the same to her. Ugh! Amazons!!! She let me know....she was not very happy with me!!!


Instead of trying to figure out why she does or did the biting, it's important to keep your bird in it's cage when visitors come over. There's many reasons why biting happens but the safest way to prevent it is by keeping your bird in a cage. They feel safest in their *home* which is actually her cage. This goes for greys too. 2 of my greys wouldn't think twice about biting someone they're not really familiar with. My TAG is the worst because he'll go out of his way to bite someone he doesn't know.

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Talon, you know my Louie is a biter. I have said it for the 4 1/2 years I have had him with me. He will bite me if I try to touch him, always. As long as I do not try to handle him he follows me around the house and goes in and out of his cage at my request. A neutral ground is what you and Nilah need. I do not believe in punishment. I do not "ground" my gang, I scold and they know what each of my tones of voice mean. From what I hear from the forum anytime anyone does something their grey/parrot dislikes, the grey/parrot gets even. I do not want a war in my home just an understanding.


Relax and reassess your goal and how to accomplish it. You know Nilah's personality better than anyone and each parrot is different.

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Just to clarify...This is the first time that Nilah has gone after anyone other than my oldwst son, if she had before, I never would have let her out of her cage. I was suprised and that's why I was wondering the "why"... My niece is very sweet and quiet, so I don't think it was anything she did as she was just standing there..


So, now I am concerned as my daughter who has been away for the past 5 months is coming home tomorrow night for 1 week visit..I'm not sure how Nilah will be....I really hope I don't have to keep her in her cage for the entire week..:(

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It is very hard to diagnose what makes parrots bite. Gracie tends to bite me with regularity whenever I go my parents house. She has never bitten anyone else--only me. These birds are mysteries. I am sorry you had that experience and hopefully all will go well when your daughter returns home.

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What a little pip she was. We had company this weekend and this could easily have happened in our home. Your niece was very understanding and calm, big kudos to her. Hopefully Nilah will sort out her behavior. I'm sure you were shocked both times she acted out.

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