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Curiosity Wins Out Over Fear


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I have been doing the same thing with Rocco a few times a week. I was letting the shower run and he always stayed out of the shower spray. I was using the spray bottle to spray the mist up in the air, he liked that and finally got curious also. Today he ran under the shower a few times then dove right in. Stood under it and flapped his wings and was having a grand time. Good thing i have shower doors, LOL.

The funniest part was when he was finished and got back on my hand. We were walking back to his cage when he must have decided I should have some fun too, so he flapped his wings, water water everywhere.

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Its was great to see him enjoy it. I'm still working with Alex. He has not gotten past the point where I spray the bottle mist in the air. Watch out for the shower you get when Gabby gets done and flaps her wings on you. LOL

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I am so happy for both of you. In three years we haven't gotten to the bathroom door much less to the shower. We mist Miss Gilbert on the cage top and are just now getting to acceptance. It's really important. So glad you are making it fun and have accepting greys.

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Rohan loves the shower. I have a dual shower in my master bath with a seating area. I put him on the bench an aim the water right on him and with will sit there for hours if I let him. I usually leave him in the water for about 10 to 15 mins and then set his preach up outside in the sun so he can preen and dry off. It is CA so it has been in the 80's to 90's lately so I will shower him every couple of days.

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Awesome everyone! While Sophie is 14 now, stepsup and loves everyone, she won't shower! We have done everything humanly possible. She now gets warned, she has to have a shower. She does it... but it would be better to see her enjoying it. She will yell " ROM".. hold her breath....I try to remain strong. Nancy

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