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I about done....Storm who will be 2 tomorrow is giving me a run for my money today. Last year I was finally able to get him into his harness so he could go outside and he did and he liked it.....Now this year I have not been able to get him in his harness at all, no matter how much I try he just shrieks at me so I gave up. He wants outside so badly but since he refuses to wear it I won't take him, but of course he doesn't understand human logic, he know what he wants and will do anything to get it, even if it means flying into the window or the screen to get his point across.....I did think that I should put it on in the winter but was more afraid that when we didn't actually go anywhere that would be upsetting for him bc he does love to get out and walk with us and in Canada thats not practical for a bird in -35C weather, ice storms, windchills etc etc so I didn't...now I am kicking myself for it. He probably would stay with me as he is such a mommas bird BUT just my luck something would either spook him or look fun and off he would go ....

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Just try to make the harnessing a non-combative experience. At two they really do get an attitude most the time and are a hand full. If he starts throwing a fit when you try to harness him, stop. Try to get him enticed to harness up by asking if he wants to go outside, to a friends house he likes, a place he likes etc. I have not been able to harness my grey since about 2 years old. I have tried each year when weather is permitting, but no dice so far. Now he just climbs in his pak-o-bird when we state we are going somewhere and he is non-combative with that completely. The thing with harnesses, is unless you purchase extensions there is no benefit to your bird anyway other than being able to just sit on you. When we go places we are allowed him out of the pak-o-bird we do so and he can fly anywhere he wishes unlimited by any type of constraint.

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Don't ever take him out without a cage or harness. He is going thru the terrible twos, and the best thing you can do, is let him....don't force him to do anything he fights you about or you will have long lasting problems. My suggestion is to ET a travel cage and take him out that way. Most birds don't accept a harness in my opinion. Only a few

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I need the harness website as well as getting the extension. Can anyone send me the info? Nancy


This one? http://theparrotuniversity.com/content/aviator-bird-harness


That's the one we had. The design is very secure, but you do have to slip it over the head (unlike some others that buckle but don't fit as well). They also sell the 'flight line' (extension line).

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