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I looked around for a ladder and the reviews for most of them were not very good. The 3 foot ones were $25 each so I decided to make my own out of 1/2" CVPC since the outside diameter for 1/2" pvc which is 1/2" ID. Cost $25 for the pair and they seem to like them a lot and I am hoping they will hold up longer than the wooden ones.

ladder2 (2).jpg


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I can post instructions, a complete material list and the lengths of the pieces and rungs if anyone is interested. If you have a pencil, pvc cutter and a drill, that's all you need. I used stainless steel bolts, washers and wing nuts to attach to the cage. All the pieces slip together tightly. I did not use any glue and I made it so you can pull the main ladder section off if you want to clean it. The only modification you would need to make is if your cage height from the floor is different than mine.

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I like what you did to stabilize them on the cage. They look really strong and will last a long time. You are not only handy, you are tuned in to the needs of your greys and making your life together in their best interest. Way to go!

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