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All righty now I went and did an "Out of the Blue" thingy. I now have Tallulah a Blue Front Amazon. The prior owners believe Tallulah is a female, we will see. Tallulah was owned by this couple since 1983 and she was 2 years old they think when they got her (hey this couple is older than me so you know how it is). They are moving to a manufactured home and Tallulah I guess does not fit. Tallulah looks just like Louie except the blue on her head is less prominent than Louie's and she has no yellow on the top of her right wing as Louie has a very prominent patch. I will provide pictures when I get a chance.


Tallulah is appropriately 32 years old and Louie is 6 years old. The prior owners are willing to talk to me if I need any info so I am hopeful all will go well. Tallulah, cage and stand were a gift so I could not refuse could I????? Tallulah only eats a seed mix and some veggies now and then so we will have to work on that.

Edited by luvparrots
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That's great Janet and you know I will do anything I can to help.

My first 3 or 4 weeks with Cricket I did not let her out of her cage, but I would sit by her and talk to her, some times I would just sit and read. I always had treats with me ,but I did not offer her any. It was cut up carrots. One day around the third week as I sat by her eating my carrots she put her foot through the bars and I put a carrot in her foot and that started our relationship.

I miss her so bad !

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Lulu is a sweetheart. Frankly her personality is like Louie's except she is not afraid. I have not tried to take her out of her cage as I want the parrots to get use to each other. My understanding is that Lulu loves people so we will see. I will be asking for your assistance I am sure. Louie has check her out but now he has calmed down so perhaps she is a guy. Only time will time. I am debating whether to sex Lulu or not. It really does not matter to me as long as the zons don't fight.


The gang are all eating dinner and Lulu has a healthy appetite so it looks like she has settled right in. We will see.

Edited by luvparrots
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Oh be still my heart, she is sure to become a favorite with all of us. Just like every other feathered friend is also a favorite. And she is a LuLu, Gilbert has been predicting! This certainly is a surprise of the best kind. I was just looking at several Amazons. One came right to the front of the cage and it looked for all the world to be entreating me to take a chance. They are so beautiful. I still have so much ground to cover with my girl, I couldn't bear to jeopardize the progress we are making, but when the time is right, I will know it. It's going to be such a joy to watch her thrive in your care.

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So this has been the second day of having Lulu around. She is a quiet lady and Louie just won't leave her alone. Lulu came out of her cage after the others were out. Louie hustled right over with me right there ( I do not know how they will react and I do not want any fighting). Lulu nipped at Louie and made him leave. Of course Louie came right back and Lulu nipped and shooed him away again and again and again.


A question for any breeders in the forum: I am assuming that there can't be any hanky panky with Lulu and Louie because Lulu is over 30 years old and Louie is only 6. Right????? I realize that BF amazons can live until 60-100 years but 30 years old should be an infertile time right. Of course Lulu could be a male but the former owners thought she was a female and because Louie is a guy I want to be safe. Louie does like to follow her around and beak her and Lulu wants nothing to do with him.


I will not be sexing Lulu because well she is older and I do not want to harm her. Any advice for the safety of my zons would be appreciated.

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wow!! What a wonderful surprise, and what a perfect home Lulu has alighted in. She sounds lovely inside and out, and I am counting on no photos and no more stories so that you do not spread your case of MBS!!! ;) Seriously, can't wait to get vicarious zon love fixes through you and your new sweetie.


Note to self: Must stop lurking in Cricket's 'Zon Forum!!

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I hate to be the one adding a "maybe" to the topic, but when we got Juno, both his parents were at least 30 years old and still producing a clutch every year. I also read an article relating that a pet Amazon in Florida fathered his first clutch at the age of 36. For some reason though, I thought conditions for breeding had to be just right with the ratio of darkness to light time, a nesting box, wood to chew etc. Louie may need a cold shower.

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Oh my! I disappear for a few days, amd look what happens!! I am so excited for you!!!! And good for you for taking this sweetie in. I am off to find pics! Can't wait to hear the adventures of 2 amazons in your home. I'm so excited!

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