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Short Update!


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I had the scare of my life that week. Have had high blood pressure most of my adult life and never really took it seriously. I try and take my meds daily and watch the numbers every so often. About a week ago i went upstairs like a i do a million times a day and when i got to the top i was so out of breath i could barely breath. I assumed it was something but not too worried. Called my cardiologist on Monday to make an appointment to get checked out and renew my prescriptions. Went in for my app and the next thing i was sent to the ER.

They did the normal EKG which i am used to but this time there was a problem.

I could not believe i am having problems and that being heart related. I was admitted to the hospital and monitored for the next 24 hours every 3 hours drawing blood, blood pressure and EKG. This has scared me half to death. We always talk about tomorrow it not promised but a person really is just saying it. This was a true eye opener for me. Enjoy today one never knows. Needless to say i am fine or at least i think for now. So far nothing has showed an actual heartache. I will be going for a stress test this week and just hoping that is fine. Thanks for listening just wanted to put it out there since i feel like all my bird friends are like family to me. Enjoy your day and i mean it.

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Carol, what a scary weekend for you! I sincerely hope all gets sorted out and that you are now on a road to better health. You are so correct in saying that we often do not think about the tomorrows arriving faster than we've planned.


Your post is a great reminder to us all to have an emergency plan for our birds in place in case of our own unexpected hospitalization.


Hugs to you, you must have been very frightened!

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Yes and all i could think of was my babies at home. I have boys at home but its not the same. They dont really no there schedule.

I was running around all day doing my chores, getting stuff mailed etc etc. Had a couple more stops to make and then home to finish

what i had started that morning. Everything was left in chaos.

Thanks for reading my post and your response. Appreciate.

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I'm just really glad you didn't ignore your symptoms and went to the doctor. I work in the medical field and I've seen so many people ignore their symptoms til it's too late. I hope all goes well with your tests and that if a problem exist that it will be found and treated. Your babies need you!

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