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Does anyone know a good place for bird boarding.

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In the 1990s I read about a place where people could drop off their birds when they went on vacation. It was not in my area.


It was run by a veterinarian and it contained a habitat for the birds rather than just giving them a cage.


It provided running water that circulated through the birds living quarters and

the birds had room to fly.


I do not know how much it cost.


I was curious if anyone here knows of places like this and if there might be more than one.


In past months I have really wanted to drop off my bird somewhere while I went out of town.


The only place I've found that would babysit my parrot was a place where I had to bring her cage and she had a closed off room to stay in. She was better off to be left at home.

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I have had my groomer care for my birds, as well as private caring. Both successful, but I always insisted for my birds to be on social stand. I didn't like, as Sophie loves everyone, I got offers to buy her. It was very annoying, and groomer was obligated to offer me the offers. LAST time I sent Sophie to the groomer. He knew I would freak! Not his fault. Nancy

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I can't say I have ever heard of anything like that. Not sure I would want my birds let loose in a room full of other birds they didn't know. A little over protective maybe?


You are not over protective as I would be afraid of the same thing, in many cases it is best if the birds are allowed to stay in their own home with someone coming in to take care of their needs in my opinion.

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That idea is not realistic it is a beautiful dream, you don't want your bird exposed to the possibility of disease or injury from other birds. In a mixed flight aviary all the birds have been health tested by the same Vet. usually. the smaller birds often introduced first then larger birds added slowly while behaviors are evaluated to avoid death by neighbor. A large heavily planted area offers the most safety as birds can get out of the line of sight to avoid being caught by aggressive birds. The separate room affords some protection from air borne diseases.

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