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Hi ive just found your form

im in the process of purchasing a african grey they are only 4 wks so wont be ready for a while at least 10 wk

I have purchased a cage a large one

im waiting to go and see them so not sure if there male or female but they will be dna tested

The question i hve is as im going to be the main owner im female should i get a male ?

There is 4 ladies in the family and one male

we all hope to be able to care for it as it if possible

I have many question but this i feel is the most important

Thanks in advance for your advice

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Hi Seahorse. I have a female TAG and a male CAG. I don't believe that the sex of the parrot matters. Mine both treat me the same. They come to me and follow me around. Greys are very intuitive. Treat your new grey with confident and love and you will get the same in return. You will be your new grey's flock and greys are flock animals. How you act will result in your new grey's personality and confidence. Read the many posts here at the forum and ask your questions and we will try to be of assistance. Welcome to the Grey family.

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Thanks everyone for the great advice and welcome

well ive spoken to the breeder and im going to meet them in the next few days

to chat and meet the babies

im very excited

ive ordered myself some books too

What do other owners feed there 13 wk old baby as thats the age it will be when it comes home

and anything I should avoid ?

Also vet insurance any recomendations ?

Thanks for your help

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Welcome. Mine is a - was going to say a male, but he has not been dna'd so I really am not sure! LOL So, I can not judge if he is acting that way because he is one or the other. I agree, if you can visit them all, one just may pick you. Doesn't happen every time, but it does happen once in a while.

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I have a female Timneh and I'm female. She thinks I'm the stuff--wants to be with me 24/7!! I doubt if this is because she's female though. I'd say a male would like all the treats and head scratches just as much!! I hope you stick around the forum and continue learning. It's helped me a lot as I've only had my grey a couple of weeks. Seems a lot longer.

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