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Greycie Mae spa day


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This morning I was washing some of the disaster my wife created making birdy bread for my babies. Greycie Mae decided to jump into the pan I just finished cleaning, so I put some water and ice cubes in and let her go at it. She won't really take a bath unless I put the ice cubes in - weird.


I've decided, that if she keeps giving me that 'terrible-twos' garbage, the next time this happens, instead of ice, it will be carrots, potatoes, peas and some seasoning.


There's not much action, and the first part of the video is shakey as I was still trying to clean with one hand. Towards the end she does her classic lay on her side and paw move that I think is cute.




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Very cute. I believe I would have fulled the sink with water and ice cubes so she would really have had a totally wet time. Great video. I love it when they love the water.


I have tried that, but Megan knows the sink is where the scary water comes out and won't come close to getting in it. :( Her majesty prefers to have a bowl (like Greycie - WITH ice) held for her by one of her servants (usually daddy). I suspect she feels it is our duty for putting her through the indignity of getting her feathers wet. ;)

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Greycie is adorable as usual. I'm struggling for feeling sorry for you with the terrible two's! She is adorable to us! LOL Nancy


I agree!


Megan has been in the terrible twos since her hatch day and she's three and a half now. LOL


I am sporting another nice bruise (with accompanying beak marks) from my last attempt to put her in the sleeping cage so I could get dressed without her eating the bedspread.

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Yeah, Terrible Twos are relative. GreycieMae was a sweet little thing until the nipping and bitey started. She's also gotten very aloof. Where she used to want to come and get all in my business all the time, now she just wants to sit 'over there' and stare evil thoughts (at least that's what it looks like to me). The worst part is, she won't allow me to play with the other birds. Toby loves a good hand wrestle and the new baby needs handling but Greycie sees any of that and she has to come over and run them off and then go back 'over there' and be aloof. She's really selfish right now. I have to wonder if this is related to her molting? She's molting really bad right now and this behavior is very sudden, although we did just rock the boat four weeks ago bringing in Rio.


Another tell-tale sign: sometimes she gets into a situation where she would normally fly to me. This happened twice this morning. She lost her grip playing on her chain and recovered her flight about 1ft off the ground. She circled and as she was passing me, her instinct was to land on my shoulder but I saw her switch her thoughts and flight-path to purposefully avoid me. It actually took extra effort to alter around me. What a flying turd!


I'm fine with a Grey growing up and not wanting to be soft and cuddly anymore but I'm not going to allow her to control the house and stop me from playing with the other birds. She's developed a bad habit of aerial bombing the other two when she notices them playing with their toys. She'll fly across the living room to bomb the baby if he makes any kind of excitable racket. Toby is the same. Our breeder we got Rio from showed me how she barely trims the flight feathers to slow down her strong flyers. They still get around just fine but it takes the fighter pilot out of them. We might have to do this with Greycie but I'll give her a few months to sort this out first.

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Definitely give her time and understanding. I know you are doing that and it can be soooo frustrating! On the other hand, the other birds can't suffer for her twos... so I suggest close and lock her cage when you need to play with other birds. Of course let her out the moment you can. Kiki our Amazon was the only bird to get hormonal. Sophie never did after getting thru terrible twos. ( six months). When Kiki was " crazy", even Sophie recognized , " I can't be bossy! She's doing it again!" We all gave Kiki plenty of space. Not sure why Sophie never went nuts like Kiki. She is DNA sexed, and truly is a girl. I thank my lucky stars! Nancy

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That's a good point too, do Grey females get hormonal? She's 20 months old - too young?


Btw...she chased Rio into the window again tonight. Our problem is we're a cage free house (i.e. only in the bird room). She ended up in the bird room for 10 minutes after that ala my wife who was pissed she chased her baby boy into the window once again.


I've never been a proponent of clipping but I've never seen this new clip the breeder showed us. Right now Rio has that clip and it's slowing him down enough that Greycie can strafe him. May have to even the score just a bit and I don't believe it will affect her much, just take the top end off her 0-supersonic in nothing flat.

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I think there's a difference between that type of a clip & one that keeps a bird flightless. And I think when everyone's health & safety are affected, that type of deterrent is a rational alternative. Graycie already flies well & has developed the right muscles & bones. So this may be the right thing to do under the circumstances.


Question - is has she got little chew spots on her wings or is it just the video maybe because she's wet?

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I should have mentioned - it happened the week following us bringing baby Rio home. Toby lost his mind and all he could focus on was getting a good licking in on the baby. This went on for a week, he had my wife saying maybe she made a mistake getting a Caique. I had them under supervision in the bird room with me one day and I had my back turned playing with Rio. Greycie slipped over onto Toby's hangout and got him before I knew what was happening. They fell to the floor and rolled under the cage. Before I could separate them she had pulled several of Toby's feathers out and given him a good arse beating. I thought I was going to have make soup out of all of them at that point. So Toby sulked for a day and a half and I thought Greycie had ruined him. As suddenly as he got beat and started sulking, he snapped out of it and was back to Toby normal - which is to say 10ft tall and bullet proof master of Caiquey Jiu Jitsu but he wasn't so laser focused on beating the feathers out of Rio. Greycie actually did us all a favor in hindsight.

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